Digital & Social Media Communication - Project 3
Ng Jia Jin (0331589)
Digital & Social Media Communication
25/10/2019 - 22/11/2019 (Week 9- Week 13)
Project 3
Lecture Notes
Week 9 - 25/10/2019
For this week, we were briefed on our next project which is about four lenses. So, what is four lenses?
The 4Cs
- Company
- Category
- Consumer
- Culture
The goals of the four lenses mentioned is to connect an organisation's goals with the audience's needs and desires.
For us, we have to find the Four Lenses for Taylor's University in order to proceed for our final project for this module.
Here is our slides of Taylor's University four lenses:
- To look into more partners that Taylor's University has collaborated with
- To look into target audience's lifestyle and also their academic culture
Voice of the brand
- It should revolve around what people say about the brand and how they see it
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