Ng Jia Jin (0331589)
Advanced Interactive Design
11/11/2019 - 6/12/2019 (Week 12- Week 15)
Final Project - Interactive Storytelling
For our final project, we are to create an interactive storytelling animation from our proposed folklore. We need to animate it and also do some coding to it so that it will be more interactive. As mentioned on my previous posts, I proposed a Malay folklore call Raja Bersiong and I'll be animating it for my final project.
Design Process
Throughout the weeks, I've been working on my assets before I can compile it and start animating it in Adobe Animate. Since I know my illustration skill isn't good, I tried to make it as realistic and clear as possible and it certainly wasn't easy. I first started my illustrations on Adobe Photoshop because I am more familiar with the software and I felt more comfortable doing paintings on Photoshop.
Asset #1
Asset #2
After painting my assets for a while, I realize that I'm wasting a lot of time the more I do it. It was very time consuming and I realize if I were to continue to go for the digital painting style, I wouldn't be able to make it in time so I decided to change it to a more simple illustration based style. It's more simple and it's not that time consuming compare to digital painting. For that, I used Adobe Illustrator to get the job done. Although I'm not comfortable with the style, I tried my best.
Assets on Adobe Illustrator #1
Assets on Adobe Illustrator #2
Assets on Adobe Illustrator #3
Final Storyboards
Storyboard #1
Storyboard #2
Storyboard #3
Storyboard #4
Storyboard #5
Storyboard #6
Storyboard #7
Storyboard #8
Storyboard #9
Storyboard #10
Storyboard #11
After finishing up all the illustrations, I then proceed to animate the animation and code the buttons and interactions using Adobe Animate.
Animate Process #1
Animate Process #2
After completing the animation and coding, I have to upload it to webhost but I had problems uploading it so I screen recorder my final outcome and also zipped my file to submit.
Final Outcome (Screen Recorded)
Throughout the module, it certainly wasn't an easy task keeping up with my classmates as coding was never easy for me. I tried to absorb more but it is hard for me. For my final project, I struggled quite a bit but I'm glad that Mr Lun and Mr Shamsul were there to support and guide me. I personally don't like my final outcome but I tried my best to illustrate it and code it. It wasn't an easy task but I'm glad I'm able to complete it within the time frame. I'll definitely improve in the future as I'll keep practicing and hopefully I'll be able to code and illustrate without any struggles in the future.
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