Digital & Social Media Communication - Final Project
Ng Jia Jin (0331589)
Digital & Social Media Communication
22/11/2019 - 5/12/2019 (Week 13- Week 15)
Final Project
Lecture Notes
For this class, we were briefed on our final project for this module. We have to redesign Taylor's University website with suitable contents or to redesign it, depending on the direction that we're heading to. We also have to based on our 3 main objectives:
1. Highlight student's personal stories, journeys and experiences
2. Promote and feature Research & Enterprise capabilities, projects and researchers
3. Share insights about Malaysia and our culture to international students
For the project, my group and I looked back to Adobe Analytic, user personas and four lenses to gather more information on how should we redesign the whole website. While redesign, we also have to design according to Taylor's brand guidelines as it's the most important factor when it comes to designing.
Before starting to design, we looked back at the existing design/contents that Taylor's University has offered and we decided to go to the content creating direction. The reason being is that Taylor's University design itself is already good enough. Since it's a professional institution, we have to keep the design professional as well but the website contents are lacking a little. We find some contents are lacking and we decided to add it in in our proposed change.
Here are the final presentation slides for our final project:
FEEDBACK: Taylor's Digital Marketing Team really liked our ideas. They said that our ideas are well aligned with their future goals and how they want the contents to be presented. The layouts for the contents are well placed and the missing contents from the existing website is also included in our proposed design. Overall, they said it's a very solid redesign and they will look into it and hopefully able to change it in the coming days.
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