Creative Brand Strategy - Final Project

Ng Jia Jin (0331589)
Creative Brand Strategy
1/10/2019 - 26/11/2019 (Week 6- Week 14)
Final Project

Lecture Notes 

8/19/2019 (Week 7)
This week, we learned about various marketing techniques. There are many marketing techniques out there but for this week we have to determine which marketing techniques suit our brand the most.


For our final project, we have to propose an event for our brand that we did from our previous semester. The event that we propose has to align with the brand.

Since my brand is a clothing label, I decided to propose a brand launching event so that it aligns with the brand.

Here is a detailed description of my brand with marketing techniques:

Proposed Event: Brand Launching Event

The brand launching event will be held on the 31st August 2020 and it's titled as Step Through Time. During the event, it will proudly showcases and documents the patriotic history of Malaysia through clothing.

Why titled as Step Through Time?

It's because TRJ Clothing is about to step through time to witness the historical events that made Malaysia what it is today and how we're going to combine contemporary and history into the clothing designs.

Brand Positioning & Event Slides:

Besides proposing an event for your brand, we also have to create mock-ups:

Brand Mock-up

Event Mock-up

Social Media Mock-ups

Brand Merchandises

Besides that, we also have make a brand book together with my proposed event. The reason why we have to do that is because a brand book gives the guidelines to the public and also to show the public what is our event about. 

Brand Book with Event

Brand Video


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