Information Design - Final Project

7/1/2019 - 21/2/2019 (Week 1 - Week 7)
Ng Jia Jin (0331589)
Information Design
Final Project - Animated Infographics


7/1/2019 (Week 1) 

For the first week of class, our lecturers briefed us through all the exercises and also our final project so that we can kick start our assignments. For our final project, we need to create an animated infographics video about comparing and contrasting.

I teamed up with Nadia, Avy, Isaac, Imran and Dong Yong for my final project. 

We started by brainstorming and then shortlisting some ideas that we think might suit the theme of our final project.

  1. New Yorkers vs Londoners
  2. Old Rap vs New Rap
  3. Childhood vs Adulthood
  4. Staying at Home vs Staying in Campus
  5. Apple vs Android
  6. American Horror Movies vs Asian Horror Movies
  7. Bloggers vs Vloggers

To make things easier, Mr Shamsul suggested us to do our topic according to the 5W & 1H concept which is what, where, why, when, who and how.

At the end, we decided to go with New Yorkers vs Londoners as our topic for our final animated inforgraphics video. To start off, we made some slides so that we can include all our researches in the slides. We gave each other specific job scopes so that we can be more efficient in our researchers.

Here is our initial ideas:

16/1/2019 (Week 2)

We presented our slides so that we can share our ideas with all our lecturers and we can also get their feedback regarding to our chosen topic. 

Here's our presentation slides: 

FEEDBACK: Mr Shamsul said that our chosen topic is good but he asked us to shorten up our script because an animated inforgraphics video can only be around 3-4 mins long. Overall, he asked us to only change our concept a little bit. 

23/1/2019 (Week 3)

There are no class for this week because we're going to Korea for a study trip.

30/1/2019 (Week 4)

For this class, we need to create an animatics to show our lecturers our video's overall plan. Animatics is just a very rough video with rough sketches showing the overall flow of the video.

Here are some of the animatics that we drew for our Animatics video:

Fig 1.0: Storyboard

Fig 1.1: Storyboard

Fig 1.2: Storyboard

Fig 1.3: Storyboard

Fig 1.4: Storyboard

Fig 1.5: Storyboard

Fig 1.6: Storyboard

Here is our animatics video:

30/1/2019 (Week 4) 

We let Mr Shamsul and Mr Jeffrey take a look at our animatics video. 

FEEDBACK: They said our animatics overall is in place and the flow is good but they said it's quite long because our video is 6 minutes long. They asked us to cut short the video and try to change our script. 

With the animatics video, we have a clear idea and flow on how our video is going to turn out to. We then separated our job scope and started off by doing our illustration for the video. 

My job is to illustrated the assests so that they can put it on to video. We also created a google drive so that we can share our ideas and also the assests that we've done. 

Fig 1.7: Process on Photoshop

6/2/2019 (Week 5) 

This whole week is a holiday because it's Chinese New Year.

I continued to work on some assests and illustrations so that Nadia and Avy can include it into the video. I shared my files with Isaac so that we can match our styles together and make sure everything is perfect. 

Fig 1.8: Illustrated Assets #1

Fig 1.9: Illustrated Assets #2

Fig 2.0: Illustrated Assets #3

Fig 2.1: Illustrated Assets #4

Fig 2.2: Illustrated Assets #5

Fig 2.3: Illustrated Assets #6

Fig 2.4: Illustrated Assets #7

Fig 2.5: Illustrated Assets #8

Fig 2.6: Illustrated Assets #9

Fig 2.7: Illustrated Assets #10

Fig 2.8: Illustrated Assets #11

Fig 2.9: Illustrated Assets #12

Fig 3.9: Illustrated Assets #13

Fig 4.0: Illustrated Assets #14

After that, I start to illustrate the fast food chain logos because there's a part from the script where we need it.

Fig 4.1: Fast Food Brand #1

Fig 4.2: Fast Food Brand #2

Fig 4.3: Fast Food Brand #3

Fig 4.4: Fast Food Brand #4

13/2/2019 (Week 6) 

By this week, we have finalized our script and also our illustrations so it's time for my teammates to put all of the storyboards together and animate it. Besides that, we also recorded the audios that we need to narrate throughout the video. 

Here are some short video that we have put together: 


Here is our final script for our animated inforgraphics video: 

20/2/2019 (Week 7)

It's the final week and it's our submission week for our animated inforgraphic video. We finalized and put all the clips and audio in the video and we're also done with our video editing.

Here is the final outcome of the video:


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