Digital & Social Media Communication - Exercises

Ng Jia Jin (0331589)
Digital & Social Media Communication
30/8/2019 - 6/9/2019 (Week 1- Week 2)


30/8/2019 (Week 1)
For our first exercise for this module, we are required to research about what are we going to learn and gain from this module. To start off, we need to form a group of 4 before we start off this exercise. The purpose of this exercise is to learn what strategic design is all about and what do strategic designers do.

Here is our group's presentation slides:

Google Analysis Data Analysis

6/9/2019 (Week 2)

Our next exercise is to analysis the data of Google Merchandise Store and then present it as a group. The main purpose of this is to let us get used to seeing data and analyzing it.

Here is the slides that we presented:


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