Typography - Final Compilation and Reflection

27/3/2018 - 26/6/2018 (Week 1 - Week 14)
Ng Jia Jin (0331589)
Final Compilation and Reflection


Project 1 - A Story Book
Project 2 - Font Design
Final Project - Event Typography



Fig 1.1: Calligraphy Lines and Circles

Fig 1.2: Calligraphy A-Z

Fig 1.3: Calligraphy A-Z

Fig 1.4: Calligraphy A-Z

Fig 1.5: Calligraphy Final 

Fig 1.6: Name Design

Fig 1.7: Name Expression

Fig 1.8: Type Expressions ( 6 vers)

Fig 1.9: Type Expression (Gif)

Project 1 - A Story Book

Fig 2.1: Hardcopy of Mr Babadook (Front)

Fig 2.2: Hardcopy of Mr Babadook (Page)

Fig 2.3: Hardcopy of Mr Babadook (Page)

Fig 2.4: Hardcopy of Mr Babadook

Fig 2.5: Hardcopy of Mr Babadook (Back)

Project 2 - Font Design

Fig 3.1: Taylor's Font Design

Final Project - Event Typography

Fig 4.1: Final Layout


This module is definitely not as easy as I first thought when I joined this course. The whole process for this module is very stressful, but worth it. There were times when I doubted my creativity as a designer and completely gave up on the projects but I'm glad I didn't. Another thing I'm glad of is that Mr Shamsul and Mr Vinod really pushed it throughout the semester when it comes to projects and exercises. It was for our own good and I think it really helped me a lot as a student. 

I realized that I have learned a lot throughout this module. I have a better understanding on what typography is all about. Previously, I thought that designing layout for newspapers and magazines are easy but after going through the process of designing a layout, it actually isn't that easy at all. I'm starting to understand better in terms of designing a layout and every decision that I make in design. 

I have not really step into the graphic designing industry yet but I can already clearly know that typography plays a very essential part in the industry. Designers or typographers spent hours just to think of what layout should they use in their final product and yet people still don't appreciate art. People still think that art is just adding shapes and words to an artwork and that's it. I started to see art in a very different perspective after going through all these processes and I'm glad I have grown as a student.


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