Typography - Final Project

29/5/2018 - 26/6/2018 (Week 10 - Week 14 )
Ng Jia Jin (0331589)
Final Project - Event Typography

Lecture Notes

Lecture 10: Cancelled

29/5/2018 (Week 10)

This week's lecture class got cancelled because it was Labour Day that day.

Lecture 11:  Typography in Different Medium (Print/Screen)

5/6/2018 (Week 11)

This week's lecture is all about typography in different medium such as on screen and on prints (newspapers, magazines). At first, type was designed intended to read from prints such as newspapers and magazines. The designer;s job is to ensure that the text is smooth, consistent and pleasing to read. The common typefaces used are Caslon, Garamond and Baskerville. But as technology advance throughout the year, demands for typography on screen are getting higher and higher. Typefaces intended for use on the web are optimized and often modified to enhance readability and performance onscreen in a variety of digital environments. The letters appears appears on a taller x-height, wider letterforms, more open counters, heavier thin strokes and serifs, reduced stroke contrast as well as modified curves and angles for some designs.

Moving on to static and motion typography. For static typography, it has a minimal characteristic in expressing the words. From billboards to posters, magazines to fliers. We will encounter all forms of static typography with wide ranging purposes. While for motion typography, it offers typographers opportunities to "dramatize"type, for letterforms to become "fluid" and "kinetic". Film title credits present typographic information over time. often bringing it to life through animation. Motion graphics, particularly the brand identities of film and television production companies, increasingly contain animated type.

Lecture 12: Cancelled

12/6/2018 (Week 12)

This week's lecture class got cancelled because it was a short Raya break.

Lecture 13: No Lecture is Conducted

19/6/2018 (Week 13)

No lecture was conducted this week because Mr Vinod wanted us to do sketches for our final project.

23/6/2018 (Week 13)

There's no lecture conducted today because it was a replacement class. Today's class is mainly giving critiques to our ongoing final project.


Final Project

Week 11

For our final project, we need to write 150 words about the things that we hate and the things that we love/like separately using Adobe inDesign. We need to type it out and we need to format the text while considering the suitable point size, line length, alignment, ragging and tracking. For the requirements, we need to type it down in two separate A4 pages in a square of 200mm x 200mm. The square's width outline need to be in 0.5 pt stroke on Adobe InDesign.

Fig 1.0: Things that I hate on Adobe InDesign

Fig 1.1: Things that i love on Adobe InDesign

Fig 1.2: Adobe Caslon Pro Bold Italic

Fig 1.3: Futura Bold Condensed

Embedded File of The Things that I Love and Hate

Week 12

It's a short Raya break/e-learning week for us on Week 12 and that's why we were given the rest of the instructions for this project via Facebook by Mr Vinod and Mr Shamsul. They asked us to come out with a title for both texts that I hate and love for this week. After that, we need to sketch out some ideas for the title that we use for the texts on an A4 paper.

I started this part of the project by roughly sketching some simple ideas for my title before sketching a more complicated one.  My final title is titled as Serendipity over Sensitivity. 

Fig 1.4: Sketching Ideas

Fig 1.5: Sketching Ideas

Week 13

For this week, Mr Vinod briefed us the final part of my final project for typography. Once we are done with our sketches for our title, we need to do some sketches for our layout for our final project. For our final project, we need to combine both texts that we typed out and our title into a single square. We need to express the sentences as much as possible and, play with the placement and distort the words if we have to. 

Fig 1.6: Examples of Layout

Fig 1.7: Examples of Layout 

After having a rough idea on what layout should I use, I shortlisted some interesting layouts from the sketches that I did to make it easier. I also did some research on the internet to get more ideas about the layouts that I can use for this final project.

Fig 1.8: Typography by Paula Scher

Fig 1.9: Typography by Paula Scher

Fig 1.10: Typography by Paula Scher

After doing some research from the internet and some sketches, I had some ideas for my final project. I attempted to design some layouts before going into the final layout.

Fig 2.1: Attempted Layout #1

Fig 2.2: Attempted Layout #2

Fig 2.3: Attempted Layout #3

Fig 2.4: Attempted Layout #4

I wasn't sure with my attempted layouts because I felt that I didn't explore enough for the layouts because everything is so neat. I decided to ask Mr Vinod and Mr Shamsul for feed backs about my attempts for my final. Mr Vinod said that my first attempt was a good beginning for the final but after the first attempt, the rest of the attempts are fairly normal. He told me that this is an artwork so he asked me to distort the sentences or words more. For the attempts I did, he said that it was too neat and to become an artwork.

After getting his feed backs, I decided to change my style of doing and express the words as much as I could. I distorted, rotated the sentences and words. I placed the words all around the square.

Fig 2.6: Final Artwork

Fig 2.7: My Final Artwork in a Frame


Week 10: 
There is no feedback today because there is no class today due to Wesak Day.

Week 11: 
There is no feed backs regarding to the current project.

Week 12:
There is no feedback today because it is a short Raya break.

Week 13:
General Feedback: To whoever that did not update their further reading section at their e-portfolio , we need to update with at least one book in it. This is a must because it takes up half of our overall mark.
Specific Feedback: Mr Vinod said that my layout design for the final project is interesting and he said that how I place my title later is very important because it will affect the overall look of my artwork. He asked me to design more layout so that I can have more options to choose from.

Week 13 (Replacement Class): Mr Vinod said that my sentences for the final project is too straight and too neat. He said that I should express my sentences more and do more examples to practice expressing more sentences. He also said that my previous attempt for my final project is a good example and he asked me to use that as a foundation.



Week 10: This week's class got cancelled because it was Wesak Day. We need to write 150 words on something we hate and love.

Week 11: It was a submission for our previous subject and we haven't touch anything about our final project yet.

Week 12: We have no class this week because it was a short Raya break.

Week 13: We had to design a title for the things we love and hate and I find that quite interesting because I can express myself more instead of using typefaces only. Although I tend to run out of ideas pretty quick but it was still a good experience.

Week 14: Our final project is a little different compare to our last project because we get to play with the placement of the text. Since we get to play with the text and distort it a little bit, I have more freedom on placing my texts and titles.


Week 10: I didn't observe anything because it was Wesak Day. 

Week 11: I didn't notice anything for my final project as it's the submission for the last project.

Week 12: I didn't notice anything this week as it's a Raya break.

Week 13: I notice that some of us ran out of idea halfway because this is the first time that we are allow to express of the sentences and to play with the placement of the sentences.


Week 10: There's no class today because it was Wesak Day

Week 11: We didn't really do anything because today's lesson was all about final project briefing and the submission for our previous assignment.

Week 12: There's no class today because it was a short Raya break.

Week 13: I find out that expressing all the sentences from the 150 words that I wrote is actually not as easy as it sounds. I have the freedom to express all the words but on the other hand I need have a rough idea of how should I express the sentences or words.

Further Readings

12/6/2018 (Week 12)

Basics Designs 07: Grids by Gavin Ambrose and Paul Harris

This book introduces to many layouts that commonly used in typography and graphic design world. It talks about how we view typography from a screen and from a paper. There are not really a lot of words in the book, mainly visual layouts. I find it useful for my current project because I get to know more grid placement and the principles behind it. However, I feel that the exploration for the book is not enough because the grids are mostly alignment with each other and this is not what I want for this project but the principles in grids are good and well explained.

Things that I learned:

  • The principles of grids
  • The commonly used grids in typography and graphic design

19/6/2018 ( Week 13)

The Layout Book by Gavin Ambrose & Paul Harris

This book is like a continuation for the last book that I read which is called Basics Design 07: Grids by the same writers too. This book brings together examples of layout, both contemporary and historic. The layouts are more complicated and more advanced than the last book about grid that is also written by him. It contains examples from the graphic designing standards layout to a sample of the diverse possibilities for the creative use of layout.

The things I like about this book is that it introduces different aspects of layout via dedicated chapters for each topic. Each chapter provides numerous examples of creative layout use from leading contemporary design studios. It also clearly listed and explained out why designers used these layouts in their productions.


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