Digital Photography & Imaging - Final Project

8/6/2018 - 29/6/2018 (Week 11 - Week 14)
 Ng Jia Jin (0331589)
Digital Photography & Imaging
Final Project (Surrealistic Gif)

Final Project 

Mr Jeffrey and Mr Hafiz gave us the brief for our final project of Digital Photography & Imaging. Our final project is call surrealistic parallex which basically means we need to create a surrealistic themed image/object and animate it in order to turn it into a moving gif.

For this project, we need to use mostly our own photographs or stock images and manipulate it in Adobe Photoshop. After that, we need to animate it on Adobe After Effect and Adobe Photoshop. Lastly, the final outcome of ours must have a theme and meaning to it on why did we do that and what were our ideas behind it.

I went on to search for some reference photos about surrealistic gif and surrealistic images before starting to do my work.

Fig 1.0: Reference Picture

Fig 1.1: Reference Picture

Fig 1.2: Reference Picture

Fig 1.3: Reference Picture

After having a clearer path on what we we need to do for our final project, I started my final project. I started off by roughly sketching out my ideas.

Fig 1.4: Sketches

Fig 1.5: Sketches

After some planning, I decided to make something related to global warming. For that, I decided to use my bulb idea and add some things in the bulb. I went on and search for some images online so that I can use it and recreate my idea. 

Fig 1.6: Reference Photo

Fig 1.7: Reference Photo

Fig 1.8: Reference Photo

After that, I went on to Adobe Photoshop to recreate my idea. I wanted to add the sky and the forest into the light bulb and make the light bulb bling slowly. 

Fig 1.9: Process #1

Fig 1.10: Process #2

After completing my composition and my overall idea, I used Adobe After Effect to animate it and turn it into a gif. 

Fig 1.11: Process #3

I made my gif duration around 9 seconds because we are required to make it between 5-10 seconds. 

Finally after some time, I'm done with my gif:

Fig 1.12: Final Gif

My whole idea behind this gif is about global warming. I made it to shine slowly because I want to give out a message to the public that everytime when we use the electricity, the earth and mother nature moves one step closer to the endanger stage.


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