Design Principles - Project 2 (Favourite Place)

Ng Jia Jin (0331589)
Design Principles
Project 2 - Favourite Places

Project 2 - Favourite Place

Lecture Notes

Lecture 1: 23/5/2018

Ms Sherry and Ms Jin Chi briefed us about our second project in design principles which is called favourite place. For this project, we need to identify a place such as a coffee shop, a clothing store or any stores that we frequently visit. After that, we need to take some photos of the shop and then compile it into a picture using any method. We can use any method to complete this project, either digitally or hands on. The main objective of this project is to show the elements of the store that we chose.

After the brief, I went on to choose and decide on what place should I choose to compile it into a poster. I decided on 3 places that I go frequently. At last, I chose a skate park that is located in Mont Kiara. I went to the skate park after that to take some shots around the place for the project. I chose 7 best photos out of all that I think best suits the overall theme for thid photo collage project.

Fig 1.0: Mont Kiara Skate Park

Fig 1.1: Mont Kiara Skate Park

Fig 1.2: Mont Kiara Skate Park

Fig 1.3: Mont Kiara Skate Park

Fig 1.4: Mont Kiara Skate Park (Graffiti)

Fig 1.5: Mont Kiara Skate Park

Fig 1.6: Mont Kiara Skate Park

After deciding on what photo to use for this project. I went on to research online to know how should I apporoach, digitally or hands on. I decided to do it hands at the end because I want the rough texture to my poster. The reason behind is that skateboarding is a rough sport and the first thing that everyone think of when they heard of skateboarding is injuries and that's why having a rough surface for the poster portraits the roughness of the sport.

Fig 2.1: Reference method for poster

Fig 2.2: Reference method for poster

Fig 2.3: Reference method for poster

Fig 2.4: Reference method for poster

Fig 2.5: Reference method for poster

After deciding the method that I'm going to use, I went on to cut out the printed photos that I took from the skate park and combined them to become a place collage. After that, I also added the brand VANS because it is a well known in the skating industry. The reason I decided to put the brand in is because every time when people heard of VANS, they will instantly think of skateboarding or anything that is related to skateboard.

Fig 3.1: Final Product

I used the hands on collage style for this project. At first, I printed out the photos that I took and then cut them into different sizes. After that, I placed them on the art paper randomly beacuse it suits the skateboarding vibe better. Lastly, I added the brand VANS to further enhance the overall artwork because I thought it was too blend without the words.


5/6/2018 (Week 11): Ms Sherry said that my artwork brings a very swaggy vibe to her and that is exactly the vibe that I want to bring to people every time they see this artwork. Besides that, she also said that my the word VANS brings out an angry feeling because of the color choice that I used which is red and yellow.


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