Publishing Design - Exercises

1/4/2019 - 13/5/2019 (Week 1 - Week 7)
Ng Jia Jin (0331589)
Publishing Design

Lecture Notes

8/4/2019 (Week 2)

For our first lecture session, Mr Vinod started off by asking us a question on what factors will influence the format of a book and some factors such as contents, sizes and such are said. He reminded us that reasons such as target audience and the book's shelf-life are also main factors that will influence a book.

After that, Mr Vinod gave us a lecture about the history of publishing design across the civilization around the world. Civilization from Iran, Iraq, Egypt, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China and Europe are some of the civilizations that influenced publishing design throughout the history. Overall, it was an interesting lecture because I get to learn a lot about the history of publishing design.

Here are the slides for this week's topic: 

22/4/2019 (Week 4)

For this week's lecture, we were given a lecture about grids and guides. In this lecture, we get to learn about what is hangline, columm, guide lines and gutter. All these plays an important role when it comes to considering a layout design. In creating a book, the most important thing to consider is the layout, which is the main structure of the book. Without using layouts, our information such as the body text and images would be all over the place.

Here is the set of slides for this week's lecture:


8/4/2019 (Week 2)

Book Mock-Up

For this week's class, we need to make a mock up of our book. First, we need to measure our book's size with an A3 paper. I decided to go with the measurement of 240mm x 160mm. Mr Vinod that showed us how to properly fold the paper so that there's no extra space in between each paper. He told us to slightly cut the paper before folding it. We need to fold a total of 8 pages.

After folding the 8 papers, we need to draw lines so that we can measure our book size. The size of our book should be bigger than A5 but smaller than bigger than A4. I drew a guide line for A5 size and then only measure the size that I want my book to be. I then highlight the guide lines that I want so that I can differentiate the measurement that I want.

Fig 1.0: Guide lines for my book measurement

Once the measurement is done, we then need to put together the 8 pages that we folded earlier so that our mock-up will have 32 pages and 8 spreads. After that, we need to measure the mid point of our book so that we can staple it together. Mr Vinod then helped me to staple it together before I proceed to cut the book according to the measurement that I want.

Fig 1.1: Book Mock-up after binding together

Here is the book mock-up that I did: 

Fig 1.2: Book mock-up final outcome #1

Fig 1.3: Book mock-up final outcome #2

15/4/2019 (Week 3)

Van De Graaf Grid

For this week, we need to do a grid system on an A3 paper known as Van De Graaf Grid. For this exercise, we need to fold the paper into half and draw the lines that is required.

Here is the final outcome for the Van De Graaf Grid: 

Fig 1.4: Van De Graaf Grid

After drawing the lines manually on an A4 paper, Mr Vinod then wants us to do the same thing but for this time we need to do it on Adobe InDesign.

Here is the lines that I created digitally:

Fig 1.5: Van De Graaf on Adobe InDesign

Fig 1.6: Final Outcome of Van De Graaf Grid

Signature Folding System 

After completing the grid. we then move on to another exercise called the signature folding system. We need to take an A3 paper and then fold it 3 times so that it creates 16 pages. In each pages, we need to mark down 1 signature.

Fig 1.7: Signature Folding System

Fig 1.8: Signature Folding System #1

Fig 1.9: Signature Folding System 

Fig 2.0: Signature Folding System #2

22/4/2019 (Week 4)


For this week's exercise, we need to print out a few layouts. After that, we need to draw lines and determine the layout and margins for the page. During the class, we also need to exchange the layouts that we printed with each other.

Here are the layouts that I have done:

Fig 2.1: Layout #1

Fig 2.2: Layout #2

Fig 2.3: Layout #3

Fig 2.4: Layout #4

Fig 2.5: Layout #5

Fig 2.6: Identified Layout #1

Fig 2.7: Identified Layout #2

Form & Movement - 1 Colour

For the next exercise of the class, we need to use Adobe InDesign to complete this exercise. This exercise is all about creating an eye movements just by using shapes.

To start off, we need to create a grid system based on our preference:

Fig 2.8: Margin and Grids

After determine the layout, I then create shapes on each spreads and then played around with the placement and size of it at all spreads.

Fig 2.9: Process on InDesign #1

Fig 3.0: Process on InDesign #2

Fig 3.1: Process on InDesign #3 

After finalizing all the shape designs, we then need to transfer it to Adobe Photoshop to create a looping GIF. 

Here is the outcome of the GIF: 

Fig 3.2: Final outcome 

29/4/2019 (Week 5) 

Form & Movements - 2 Colours 

This week, we need to do a similar exercise like last week which is to create eye movements based on shapes. For this exercise however, we need to add another colour prior to our first one. Besides that, we also need to create another grid system that is different from the one that we used last week.

As usual, I created a new grid system for this exercise. After that, I played around with the shapes in each spreads. 

Fig 3.3: Margins and Grids

After I determine the grid and margin, I then created some shapes and played with it.

Fig 3.4: Process on InDesign #1

Fig 3.5: Process on InDesign #2

After that, I then went on to Adobe Photoshop to convert the spreads into a looping GIF.

Fig 3.6: Final Outcome


8/4/2019 (Week 2) 

Specific Feedback: Mr Vinod helped me to put together my book mock-up. Overall, there isn't much feedback about the book mock up.

15/4/2019 (Week 3)

Mr Vinod told me the reason why my rectangles are not aligned is because my grids are not aligned.

22/4/2019 (Week 4)

For the shape exercise that Mr Vinod asked us to animate some shapes in InDesign, he told me that I need to connect the shapes together so that when it's at GIF, people can instantly know that the shapes connect with each other when it's on loop.

29/4/2019 (Week 5)

General Feedback: Mr Vinod asked us to update our blog every week so that we can remember the feedback that he gave us on that day itself. Other than that, for the shape exercise, he asked us to focus on the rhythm before adding another colour.



8/4/2019 (Week 2)
I get to make a book mock-up for the very first time for my assignment. It was interesting because I never thought that I get to make a book about myself.

15/4/2019 (Week 3)
We get to make grids and also try out the Van De Graaf grid system. However, my rectangular didn't align with the each other as it was no measured properly. Overall, it was a fun exercise.

22/4/2019 (Week 4)
It was a fun and interesting class because we get to play with shapes. The whole main point to play with shapes is to create an eye movement for the viewers so it was a pretty interesting class.

29/4/2019 (Week 5)
I find the class today pretty interesting because I get to do the same exercise but to make it more challenging, we get to use another colour together with the original colour.


8/4/2019 (Week 2)
It was so satisfying to finally finish making my book mock-up and also to staple it. The best part is that when you start cutting away the edges of the papers and it slowly form into the perfect book mock-up that I measured to be.

15/4/2019 (Week 3)
Via the exercises which is to make grids, I observed that many of us didn't get a perfect aligned shape because most of us measured wrongly. .

22/4/2019 (Week 4)

For the shape exercise, working with a grid really helps a lot in terms of the placement and more.

29/4/2019 (Week 5)
I observed that by adding another colour to the shape exercise, it makes it harder to think of the eye movements since there's another colour. At the same time, it makes the final outcome more interesting.


8/4/2019 (Week 2)
I find this week's exercise to be pretty interesting and also fun. It was a fun experience to just make your own book and also to complete the book mock-up.

15/4/2019 (Week 3)
While drawing the grids and lines for the Van De Graaf grids, I find that it's difficult to draw perfect lines so that the rectangular match with each other.

22/4/2019 (Week 4)
I find the shape exercise really helpful in terms of creating eye movements because it lets you understand.

29/4/2019 (Week 5)
I find it easier to create a margin and shapes and to create an eye movement whenever someones sees it. This is because I find it easier to understand about the shape movements after having learning it from the last exercise.

Further Readings


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