Art Direction - Exercise 1

Ng Jia Jin (0331589)
Art Direction
Exercise 1
5/4/2019 - 5/7/2019 (Week 1 - Week 4)



Week 1

For our first Art Direction exercise, we need to team up with a partner and present the differences between art director and creative director. The main objective for this exercise is to make sure that we understand the differences between being an art director and being a creative director. We need to present it to our lecturer with slides as our first exercise for this module. 

I teamed up with Isaac for the first exercise and here is our presentation slides: 

Feedback: Mr Kannan told us that our presentation slides are not bad but they are lacking of information and the slides are also quite normal. He asked us to add more details to it.

Week 2

For this week, we need to come up with a set of slides that is a similar topic with the previous week but instead of comparing between art director and creative director, we need to do some research about similarities of an art director in different creative fields. We need to be in the same partner as last week's presentation.


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