Packaging Design - Exercises

Ng Jia Jin (0331589)
Packaging Design
1/4/2019 - 15/5/2019 (Week 1- Week 7)

Lecture Notes

1/4/2019 (Week 1)

For our first day of class, we were tasked to search up about the different purposes of packaging and then we need to list it down during the class.

Here's the list that the whole class has compiled:

  1. Act as a protection for the actual product - So that the product won't break during shipping
  2. Convenience - Buyer can take it with them easily
  3. Extra security - Prevent parts of the products to be stolen
  4. Brand Visibility - Buyers will be able to identify the products just by looking at the packaging
  5. Barrier Protection - Prevent it from oxygen and dust

After the discussion, Mr Shamsul categorized the points into 5 categories which are: 

  1. Protect
  2. Communication: Information, brand
  3. Marketing: brand, visuals
  4. Sustainability: Environment, recycle and reuse
  5. Convenience

3/4/2019 (Week 1) 

In our tutorial class, Mr Shamsul asked each one of us to go to the white board and write down the consideration before designing a packaging. 

In the end, here's the list of answers that everyone has written on the white board: 
  1. Make the packaging practical
  2. Know your target audience
  3.  Keep production in mind
  4. Packaging Sustainability
  5. Think about the visual elements
  6. Materials used
  7. Distribution and storage
  8. Product should inspire the design package
  9. Consider the colors and fonts
  10. Pricing and cost saving
  11. Contents and message to deliver to consumer
  12. Important information and labels
  13. Know what the product is
  14. Create a brand identity
  15. Stacking and transportation
  16. Location of point of sale
  17. Right language
  18. Thickness of package
  19. Grabbing consumer's attention
  20. Typography
  21. Quality and functionality
  22. How to make the product interesting
  23. Measurements and size of the package
  24. Marketing strategy
  25. Recyclability
  26. Safety of the packaging

8/4/2019 (Week 2) 

For our class in Week 2, Mr Shamsul gave us a lecture about the packaging and merchandising design. For the lecture given by him, we learned the importance of packaging design, how has packaging evolved throughout the years, what the customers want and the roles of packaging. Besides, we also learned about the typography on packaging, the colors and also the contents.

At the same day itself, a group has to present a lecture about the history of packaging. It was ans essential lecture from them because from there we get to know the history of the packaging industry itself.

Here's the slide for their presentation:

15/4/2019 (Week 3) 



Packaging Analysis

1/4/2019 (Week 1)

For our first packaging exercise, we were given a list by Mr Shamsul and our task is to go to a grocery store and find the packaging that matches with the criteria listed on the list itself. To do it, we need to take a photo of each products that match with the list given. 

Since this is a group exercise, I teamed up with Ron and CK.

Here is the list given for us: 

Once we're done, we compiled it into a set of slides and submitted.

Here are the slides:

Box Making & Dieline

3/4/2019 (Week 1)

At the same week, Mr Shamsul told us that our first exercise is to design and make a packaging for a product. We need to bring a product that is bigger than 15 cm but smaller than 30 cm. I brought a few items to class but then I decided to go with my small speaker.

Small Speaker

Small Speaker

Small Speaker

After showing Mr Shamsul the product that I'm going to use, I then start to measure the speaker and also the size of my box. I measured according to the size of my portable speaker.

Sketch #1

Sketch #2

After getting the measurements correct and also accurate, I decided to come out with a mock up of the box design that I'm going for before going onto making an actual box.

Here is the mock up box that I made: 

Mock-up Progress

Mock-up #1

Mock-up #2

Mock-up #3

Mock-up with Speaker 

Mock-up with Speaker

After completing the mock up, I then made some adjustments at the measurements of the box and then started to make the box. To start off, I went to laser cut my box dieline because that is the most important part of the exercise.

Laser Cut Process #1

Laser Cut Process #2

After laser cutting the dieline for my box. I then start to construct the box.

Constructing Process #1

Constructing Process #2

Constructing Process #3

It wasn't an easy process while constructing the box. I failed my first attempt because some of the measurements are too small to fit the speaker so I went on the laser cut again with some minor changes to the box. I was figuring how can I close the box but after much consideration, I decided to use metal hinges to connect the box lid and the box body. 

Here is the box that i constructed:  

Final Box #1

Final Box #2

Final Box #3

Final Box #4

Final Box #5

Final Box #6

Box Design - Colours

22/4/2019 (Week 4)

For this week, Mr Shamsul gave us a new exercise which is to design a dieline template with colors.

Here are the instruction: 

Mr Shamsul gave is a template and dieline and all we have to do it just to design on it. I decided to go with a body lotion product as my gift.

Process on Photoshop

Here is my final product design:

Rationale: The reason why I chose the cardboard texture and green in colour is because I wanted to design the packaging according to an organic item. I used The Body Shop as my brand because I used the company's design and message as my inspiration in designing this packaging.

Thermo Forming

29/4/2019 (Week 5)

For our next exercise, we need to thermo form a plastic sheet according to the products that we're going to thermo form it on. Mr Shamsul asked us to bring a few A3 plastic sheets in case we messed up on our first attempt and also to bring an object so that it can be thermo formed on. 

I decided to bring some toy cars that I had at home: 

Toy Cars

It was a success in my first attempt because the edges of my toy cars aren't too sharp so my toy cars didn't stuck on the plastic sheets nor melted. 

Here are my thermo forming outcome: 

Thermo Forming #1

Thermo Forming #2

I added a cardboard so that the plastic sheet can be attached with the cardboard.


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