Brand Corporate Identity - Project 1B
1/4/2019 - 9/5/2019 (Week 1 - Week 6)
Ng Jia Jin (0331589)
Brand Corporate Identity
Project 1B - Scrap Book
10/4/2019 (Week 2)
For the assignment, we need to analyze 20 logos weekly about the story, the meaning behind the creation of the logo. We need to study how the graphic elements, color, typography are able to build the brand identity and we need to accompany each logo with short write up on if we like it or not.
I went on to take some logos from a grocery store since I was going for a grocery shopping.
Project 1B Google Drive Link here
Here are the set of slide that I compiled for my 20 logos analysis with short write up.
17/4/2019 (Week 3)
For Week 3, we have to do another 20 logo analysis and for this time, I decided to not only focus on food brands but instead I included some brands from other categories as well.
Here are my 20 logo analysis for Week 3:
24/4/2019 (Week 4)
For Week 3, we need to analyze another 20 logos so that we are familiar with the brand identity that the corporate has.
Here's my 20 logo analysis for this week:
1/5/2019 (Week 5)
For Week 5, I decided to go for some more well established companies because it is easier to analyze the reasons behind their logo design.
Here's my 20 logo analysis for this week:
8/5/2019 (Week 6)
It's the last week to analyze 20 logos for this exercise. At the end the exercise, I have 100 analyzed logos in total and here's my 20 logos for this week.
Here's my 20 logo analysis for this week:
10/4/2019 (Week 2)
Ms Li Lian told me that the logo analysis is well studied but then I need to take the photos of the logo and not the whole product itself because it's pretty distracting.
17/4/2019 (Week 3)
My logo analysis for Campbell's logo is incorrect and Ms Li Lian asked me to change it. She also asked me to include logo's history for certain brand if needed.
24/4/2019 (Week 4)
Ms Li Lian said that my logo analysis has improved in terms of the contents and analysis.
1/5/2019 (Week 5)
For my brand analysis, Ms Li Lian told me to include the reference link to all of it because I didn't include in some brand analysis.
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