Brand Corporate Identity - Project 2

3/4/2019 - 2/5/2019 (Week 1 - Week 6)
Ng Jia Jin (0331589)
Brand Corporate Identity
Project 2 - Developing A Logo



For Project 2, we are required to think of a company that we want to establish or an existing company so that we can design a logo for them. We are required to sketch out 20 logos each week so that by the end of this assignment, I would have a compilation of 100 logos all together. 

For my company, I decided to go for a contemporary clothing label. My idea behind the label is that I will only release clothing lineup based on events and not regularly. The whole idea is to have conceptual themed label so that everyone can remember the historical events or important events in our native country - Malaysia. 

After some thinking, I decided to name my brand as "TRJ" because my name is "therrealjin" on my social media platform and "TRJ" is a short form for it. 

Logo Sketches Google Drive Link here

Digitalised Logo

Digitalised Logo #1

Digitalised Logo #2

Digitalised Logo #3

Experimenting Different Typefaces

Different Typefaces in Logo

Finalized Logo Variations

For my final logo variation, I decided to use 2 variations, one with a transparent background while another with a black background.


10/4/2019 (Week 2) 

For my logo sketches, Ms Li Lian said that my clothing label is interesting and its also a good one. For the sketches, Ms Li Lian asked me to focus on the lettering "TRJ" because it suits it better. She also told me that my logo needs to be a unique one because of my conceptual style concept for my clothing.

17/4/2019 (Week 3) 

Ms Li Lian said that she can tell I'm going to the Japanese and Chinese culture for my clothing label but I need to have a motive in order to do it. She told me to focus more to the local culture and design shirts based on the local culture and historical events instead of other countries'.

24/4/2019 (Week 4) 

For the sketches wise, she told me to focus on the logo design that have my chinese name characters with it because that brings out more identity than the others. She then ask me to start digitalize the logos if I can because she wants me to start finalizing the logo for my clothing label already.

1/5/2019 (Week 5) 

Ms Li Lian said that I can focus on developing some logo sketches that has the same concept to it although there are some sketches that are too abstract. She suggested me that since my brand name is 'TRJ', she wants me to add it to my logo as well because it lets everyone recognize my brand even more.

8/5/2019 (Week 6) 

Ms Li Lian told me to digitalize some other logos rather than just the ones that I digitalized because there are still a lot of potential in some of it. The choice of typeface for the logo also needs to be further explored as the one that I used to digitalize is not suitable when I put it together with the logo.

15/5/2019 (Week 7)

Ms Li Lian told me that I can finalize my logo by doing some refinements to it already. She asked me to make my chinese character thicker and also to try out with different type family and put it all together

Further Reading

Basic Identity by Page One

Basic Identity is basically a book that showcase brand designs from different companies and organizations. The main attraction of this book is that it also showcases the brand's identity and how they incorporate it to different mediums and products but also retaining its identity.

The one thing that I like about this book is that every brand identity included in the book are very visually pleasing. I learned a lot from it in terms of what to be included so that it retains my brand's identity.

Sainsbury's Design Studio: Own Label by Jonny Trunk

Sainsbury's Design Studio: Own Label is basically a book that compiles and showcases all the design projects that Sainsbury's Design Studio has did from the past. All the designs are very visually pleasing and also consistent at the same time. Their in-house studio design is also very creative and unique.

In my opinion, the book suits upcoming graphic designers like me because I gained so many ideas and also graphic knowledge from the book in terms of color choices and placemen


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