Week 1 - Week 14 (27
/8/18 - 26/11/18)
Ng Jia Jin (0331589)
Advanced Typography
Final Compilation & Reflection
Submission (Compilations)
Exercise 1
Bilateral System |
Random System |
Grid System |
Modular System |
Axial System |
Dilatational System |
Radial System |
Transitional System |
Embedded PDF of Exercise
Exercise 2
Picture Dissected |
Dissected L |
Dissected N |
Dissected T |
Dissected F |
Dissected Words |
Refined Words |
Exercise 3
Type & Play Final Composition |
Project 1 - Title and Key Artwork
Key Artwork (Black & White) |
Key Artwork (Colored) |
Project 2 - Typosexual Typographic Exhibition (Collateral)
First Collateral: Poster Design |
Second Collateral: Shirt Design |
Shirt Design Front & Back Template |
Shirt Design (Front) |
Shirt Design (Back) |
Framed Poster |
Final Project - Design, Exploration & Application
S Typeface Design |
T Typeface Design |
E Typeface Design |
A Typeface Design |
M Typeface Design |
Steam Typeface with Logo |
Final Animated Steam New Typeface and Logo |
Comparing this module to the previous semester's module, I would say we had more freedom for us to design and create the designs that we want rather than only restricted to certain typefaces and only certain colors. But, by saying that, it means we are exposed to more difficulties and also to be more discipline when it comes to color selections and typeface selections. I have learned a lot this semester from Mr Vinod and also Mr Shamsul, from being disciplined in certain designs to understanding more typography principles. I'm also glad that my lecturers constantly push me to design more and also criticize my artworks when certain artworks do not look appealing. Although I do find it difficult sometimes but I still try to do my best and also keep tweaking the small details so that everything looks perfect.
I'm starting to understand the things that we should do in design and also the things that shouldn't do in design because of all the projects and also exercises that I have gone through this semester. From color selections and also the typographic systems that I didn't know before I step into this subject, I've learned a lot throughout the whole semester. I've seen everyone struggling to design something and also to find inspiration throughout the semester but I'm sure it's worth it as we have grown in our respective way. In short, I'm just glad to be constantly learning throughout and hopefully be learning as well in the future.
I find this whole module a very important foundation for me to step into my further studies because of all the essentials that I learned in Advanced Typography. I'm starting to put in more effort and also to think more when it comes to designing especially for Project 2. I admit that sometimes I do feel like giving up because I always felt that my design is not as visually pleasing as everyone's but as the module goes along, I start to understand better and overall to just do a better job just like everybody else.
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