Advanced Typography - Final Project

15/10/2018 - 19/11/2018 (Week 8 - Week 13)
Ng Jia Jin (0331589)
Advanced Typography
Final Project: Design Exploration and Application

Lecture Notes

22/10/2018 (Week 9)

This week, we got a lecture about Typographic Perception & Organisation by my classmates. Throughout this lecture, we learned about the gestalt law and most importantly how to create a visual hierarchy in our artwork.

Here are the slides for this week's lecture:

Typographic Perception & Organisation

29/10/2018 (Week 10)

For this week's lecture session, one group conducted the lecture titled as Typography in Different Medium. This lecture is to help us to know more about our final project because it basically explains the methods we can use to do our final project. We learned about how typography can apply to different mediums such as on poster and signs.

Here are the slide for this week's lecture:

Typography in Different Medium

12/11/2018 (Week 12)

For this week, we conducted our final lecture session which is about Colors in Typography. There's a total of 3 groups to present the final presentation for this week.

Here are the slides:

Colors in Typography for Titles

Colors in Typography for Signs

Colors in Typography for Web



22/10/2018 (Week 9)

We were introduced to our final project of Advanced Typography this week. Mr Vinod and Mr Shamsul gave us a brief for our final outcome. For our final project for this module, we need to develop a font that is intended to solve a larger problem or meant to be part of a solution. Besides that, if we don't want to develop a certain font, we can explore the use of typeface, understand its existing relationship and then identify areas that could be improved to enhance the overall value of the typeface.

After the class, I started to go on to the internet to do some research on the potential problems that I found on some company's logo. I also went on to the reference websites that are available at the Module Information Booklet to get more information.

Fig 1.0: Reference #1

Fig 1.1: Reference #2

Fig 1.2: Reference #3

Fig 1.3: Reference #4

Fig 1.4: Reference #5

29/10/2018 (Week 10)

For this week, I proposed my ideas to Mr Vinod for my final project. After going through all the links that are at the MIB and some research about the potential problems of some company's logo, I finally had some ideas on what to do for my final project.

At first, I wanted to redesign some of the logo for these companies:

Fig 1.5: Blizzard Entertainment

Fig 1.6: CNN 

Fig 1.7: HBO

Fig 1.8: KFC

But after some consideration, I decided to choose to redevelop a typeface for a gaming based company called Steam Enterprise. The reason I choose to redesign the typeface for the specific company because the existing typeface of the company is very simple and it didn't bring out or has the 'gaming' vibe and feel to it. When I asked some of my friends and lecturers about what do they think the company is about first glance and none of them know that Steam Enterprise is a gaming company at their first glance.

Here is the gaming company's logo with its original typeface and design:

Fig 1.9: Steam Enterprise

Fig 2.0: The Typeface Used by Steam

Fig 2.1: Typeface Used by Steam 

5/11/2018 (Week 11)

It's e-learning week this week which means we have no class today. I continued my works regarding to my final project at home. I went on to research some typefaces that are commonly used by some of the leading gaming companies worldwide.

Here are some of the common typefaces used by the game community: 

Fig 2.2: Typeface #1

Fig 2.3: Typeface #2

Fig 2.4: Typeface #3

Fig 2.5: Typeface #4

Fig 2.6: Typeface #5

As you can see, most of the typefaces designed for games or gaming companies are usually bold with thick stroke. But, I find many of the typeface rather messy and very complicated to begin with. Since Steam Enterprise logo is not that complicated and also the overall logo gives out a minimal vibe to it. I decided to stick to the minimal vibe but also adding a little 'gaming feel' to it because the typeface for it doesn't represent the company itself that much.  

12/11/2018 (Week 12)

This week, I started to design my typeface meant for Steam Enterprise by doing some rough sketches for the typeface design. 

Fig 2.7: Typeface Design #1

Fig 2.8: Typeface Design #2

Fig 2.9: Typeface Design #3

After designing 2 typefaces, I felt that it was too normal and I don't feel the 'gaming' vibe in the typefaces and it feels the same with the original Steam Enterprise typeface. I decided to design another one combining both of the typeface designs into 1 typeface. 

Fig 3.0: Final Typeface Design 

Fig 3.1: Typeface Design Process #1

Fig 3.2: Typeface Design Process

Fig 3.3: S Typeface

Fig 3.4: T Typeface

Fig 3.5: E Typeface

Fig 3.6: A Typeface

Fig 3.7: M Typeface

Fig 3.8: Final Typeface Design #1

Fig 3.9: Final Typeface Design #1

The reason I designed the Steam logo typeface in such a way because I felt that a gaming company needs to have a bold characteristic to it and also brings out a 'gaming' feel to it at the same time. I decided to turn the edges into sharp edges because I think that it will further bring out the overall vibe to it so when people first look at the Steam logo and the typeface, they will instantly feel that it's a gaming based company. I also made the typeface thick and bold because I want the typeface to sort of have the characteristic to it.

19/11/2018 (Week 13)

This week, I continue to develop my typeface design because I need to animate it as my final submission for this project. I went to get Mr Vinod's feedback and he said that the font designs for my final design are good but he prefer the more curvy design rather than the straight edges one because he said it fits the Steam logo more compare to the other one. He asked me to put the fonts side by side with the Steam so that I can tell which one suits better. Besides, he also asked me to animate my font design once it's done because it fits the theme better since I'm re-developing the typeface for Steam which is a game based company. 

After that, I went on to refine my existing typefaces so that the edges are curvy and also suits the Steam Enterprise logo better because of the gear logo.  

Fig 4.0: S Typeface #2

Fig 4.1: T Typeface #2

Fig 4.2: E Typeface #1

Fig 4.3: A Typeface #1

Fig 4.4: M Typeface #1

Fig 4.5: Final Typeface Design #2

Fig 4.6: Final Typeface Design #2

Fig 4.7: Old Steam Typeface and The New Steam Typeface

After designing the last typeface for Steam, I decided to try to add some elements that matches with the overall logo of the company. 

Here's what I came up with using the last typeface that I designed:

Fig 4.8: Typeface Design Process

Fig 4.9: Typeface Design Process

Fig 5.0: S Typeface #2

Fig 5.1: T Typeface #2

Fig 5.2: E Typeface #2

Fig 5.3: A Typeface #2

Fig 5.4: M Typeface #2

Fig 5.5: Final Typeface Design #2

Fig 5.6: Final Typeface Design #2

After designing 3 different typefaces, I decided to pick the first and second typefaces that I designed to animate it. I used Adobe After Effects to animate the whole logo and also the typeface that I designed. After that I converted the video into a GIF so that it can animate and loop forever.

Fig 5.7: Animation Process

Fig 5.8: Animation Process

Fig 5.9: Animation Process

Here are the GIFs as my final submission: 

Fig 6.0: 1st Typeface Design Animation

Fig 6.1: 2nd Typeface Design Animation

The reason I wanted to animate the typeface and also the logo of the company this way is because it brings out the 'gaming' vibe to it when all the pixels come together to form the whole logo and also the typeface. 

26/11/2018 (Week 14)

It's final submission this week and here are my submission for my final Advanced Typography final project. 

I decided to submit my 2nd Steam typeface design as my final project submission because I think it's more visually pleasing than the first one but it also brings out the 'gaming' feel to it at the same time. The rounded edges that Mr Vinod asked me to change to suit the overall Steam logo very well. 

Fig 6.2: Final S Typeface Design

Fig 6.3: Final T Typeface Design

Fig 6.4: Final E Typeface Design

Fig 6.5: Final A Typeface Design

Fig 6.6: Final M Typeface Design

Fig 6.7: Typeface Design with Logo

Fig 6.8: Old Steam Typeface and The New Steam Typeface

Fig 6.9: Final GIF Animation for Steam 


Week 9: 

There's no feedback regarding to this project because we only started this week.

Week 10:

Specific Feedback: For my final project, Mr Vinod approved my idea of developing the Steam Company's font because they also agreed that at first glance it doesn't seem like it's a gaming logo. Mr Vinod suggested me to develop the S,T,E,A,M words and then animate it since it's the most suitable medium to use for gaming. For my poster design, he asked me to print out one of my exploration poster because he told me that it looks more appealing than my final one. We need to print the poster in A2 size.

Week 11:

There's no class today because it's e-learning week this week.

Week 12:

Specific Feedback: Mr Vinod told me that the font design for my final project is alright but he asked me to tweak a bit. Besides that, he also asked me to animate it as my final outcome because it suits better since I'm redeveloping a font for Steam Enterprise which is a gaming company.

Week 13:

Specific Feedback: Mr Vinod said that the font designs for my final design are good but he prefer the more curvy design rather than the straight edges one because he said it fits the Steam logo more compare to the other one. He asked me to put the fonts side by side with the Steam so that I can tell which one suits better. Besides, he also asked me to animate my font design once it's done because it fits the theme better since I'm re-developing the typeface for Steam which is a game based company.



Week 9:

For this week we were introduced to our final project. I also received some feedback from Mr Vinod regarding to my previous project.

Week 10:

I proposed my ideas for my final project to Mr Vinod and he asked me to go ahead and research more about the problem that I intend to solve. Besides that, he also gave me some feedback regarding to my previous project.

Week 11:

We have no class for this week because it's an e-learning week this week.

Week 12:

There's nothing much going on in class this week except Mr Vinod and Mr Shamsul giving us their feedback regarding to our progress for our final project. He said that my I can tweak a little bit for the font design that I did and then animate as my final project outcome.

Week 13:

I asked Mr Vinod for his feedback regarding my final project and after getting the feedback, I went back and tweak the parts that he thinks it's better to be rounded. Besides that, I am also able to go around and check what my classmates have done for their final project.


Week 9:

Everyone is concentrated in finishing up our previous assignment because this week was the deadline for it.

Week 10:

Everyone is proposing their ideas for the final project and researching for more information about it.

Week 11:

We have no class for this week because it's an e-learning week this week.

Week 12:

Everyone is busy with their final project since the submission is next week and we only have less that a week to complete it.

Week 13:

Everyone in the class is tweaking and also getting feedback from both Mr Shamsul and also Mr Vinod regarding to their final projects. I walked around the classroom and I have seen a lot of amazing artworks in different mediums.


Week 9:

I went through the links that are available at the MIB for my final project and I find the approaches of the designers towards typography are very interesting because of how to explore the different form of it.

Week 10:

I find that my idea to develop a typeface for Steam Entertainment is very direct because when I asked my classmates if they know what does the logo relate to, many of them didn't know what is that. It shows just how simple the font is the company is using.

Week 11:

We have no class for this week because it's an e-learning week this week.

Week 12:

I find that re-developing a typeface for our selected logo/company is not easy as it seems because we need to make sure that typeface that we designed suits the company's theme at the same time make sure that the readability is readable but most people at the same time.

Week 13:

I find that to design a new typeface for a certain purpose is not easy as it seems because each small details of the new typeface reflects the purpose for the typeface and to really connect it with the logo or the purpose, we need to do a lot of research and also findings for it.

Further Reading


Free Font Index 2

Free Font Index 2 is published by The Pepin Press and the author of the book is Hans Lijklema. This book is the 2nd version of the book due to the overwhelming number of fonts that were submitted and this book acts as a hub for different fonts. The book mainly focus on the different font designs submitted by designers all around the world. It acts as a reference for design students or designers out there who are going to design a typeface for any reasons.

In my opinion, what makes this book interesting is the font designs that are available in the book itself. I can find any font designs that I want from the book for any specific reasons. I have gained a lot of inspirations by finding for fonts that are suitable for my current project. Besides that, some tutorials for fonts software such as Fontlab Studio is also available in the book so that we will know how to use the software when we need it.

Overall, when it comes to designing a font in the future, I think every designer should look up for this book because you can gain so many new ideas and also inspirations.


Indie Fonts

Indie Fonts is a book published Rockport Publisher. The book has no specific author to it because the publisher compiles all the typefaces throughout the history of Typography. It mainly focus on the typefaces that have been designed and made through the years for designers and students to take it as reference.

Final Project Reference

Final Project Reference

Some of the reasons I like about this book is because of the wide varieties of typefaces and also the family of the typefaces are from. Comparing to the Typography book above, another reason I like about this current book is because the publisher has also included some designers' comments about a specific typeface. Some typefaces are also used in some of the posters so that we can understand better on what typeface should be used for certain purposes.


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