Packaging Design - Final Project

Ng Jia Jin (0331589)
Packaging Design
10/6/2019 - 18/7/2019 (Week 11- Week 15)
Final Project

Lecture Notes

17/6/2019 (Week 12)

For this week's packaging lecture, the topic that is presented by one of the groups is about merchandise and visual merchandising design. Through this lecture, we learned that merchandising is by presenting a product to the right market at a proper time. There are also different types of merchandising such as product merchandising, retail merchandising, digital merchandising, onmichannel merchandising and also visual merchandising. We also learned about the importance of merchandising.

Here are the slides for this week's lecture:


For our final packaging project, Mr Shamsul told us that we are required to collaborate with the Interior Architecture students. They are required to come out with a brand and create a space for their brand. As for us, we are suppose to help with the merchandise and also the packaging design. We need to come out with 3 merchandises and also a packaging box to hold 3 of the merchandise items. 


To start off the project, we need to go and consult with the interior architecture students so that we know what is their brand about and what should we do. Mr Shamsul assigned each and one of us to one interior students and I have been assigned with Bisa, an interior architecture student. 

His brand is a trophy company call Get Your TROPHY. His idea is that the brand is a company that produces trophies to clients. 

Here are his sketches: 

Sketches #1

Sketches #2

Sketches #3

I then start to think of the 3 merchandises that I need for this project. I decided to go with a T-shirt, a keychain and also a string bag/tote bag.

To start of, I did some research on how my box that holds the merchandise should be. 

Box Inspiration #1

Box Inspiration #2

Box Inspiration #3

Box Inspiration #4

I also did some sketches for the box design so that I have a rough idea on how the box is going to be constructed.

Sketches #1

Sketches #2

I decided to go for a slider style box because it looks more classy and more elegant.

Box Example

I then start to design the visual elements so that I can apply it on my box packaging design and also my merchandise design.

Visual Elements #1

Visual Elements #2

I decided to use the color palettes that Bisa proposed to me because blue and orange is a good color combination. Besides, it makes the overall design more youthful and fun. After finalizing the visual elements and color choices, I then start to design my merchandises and box with my visual elements.

Process on Photoshop #1

Process on Photoshop #2

After designing the merchandises, I then went on to design the box for the merchandises.

Process on Adobe Illustrator #1

Process on Adobe Illustrator #2

After finalizing all my designs, here are the final outcomes.

Shirt Design 

Tote Bag Design

The reason my 3rd merchandise design is not included is because I forgot to save design file.

Box Design

Outter Box Design 

Inner Box Design 

Final Products

I had to change one of my merchandises from a tote bad to string bag because the printing store that I'm going to print on has ran out of tote bag. I also have to do some minor changes for my shirt design. 

Front Shirt Design #1

Back Shirt Design #2

String Bag Design #1

Box Packaging

Box Design #1

Box Design #2

Box Design #3

Box Design #4

Box Design #5

Final Project Slide


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