Design Research Dissertation - Project 1

Ng Jia Jin (0331589)
Design Research Dissertation 
Project 1
2/4/2019 - 7/5/2019 (Week 2 - Week 6)


Lecture Notes

9/4/2019 (Week 2)

How To Write An Effective Discussion

For our first lecture notes, our lecturer gave us a set of notes which is an example of how to write an effective discussion which is what we need to write in the coming weeks. I find it useful as it's informative and also effective.

Here's the PDF format for the effective discussion paper:\


2/4/2019 (Week 1)

For our first class of the week, we were given a brief on what are we suppose to do and what to expect from this module. This module is a continuous subject for one of our subject that we took in previous semesters, Design Research Methodology.

So to start it off, our first project is to create and write a draft dissertation based on our methodology topic. The contents that need to be included in the draft is listed in the module outline.

Here are the parts that we need to put in our draft dissertation: 

1. Introduction
2. Problem Statement
3. Research Objective
4. Research Question
5. Literature Review
6. Research Methodology
7. Primary Data
8. Analysis & Discussion
9. Conclusion
10. Reference List
11. Credits
12. Appendices

9/4/2019 (Week 2)

After knowing what to do, I then proceed to start writing my final draft dissertation. I started by separating the points so that it looks more organized and neat. After that, I started to write my dissertation draft by going according to the topic.

Here is my first draft dissertation:

16/4/2019 (Week 3)

After making some changes based on Dr Hayati's feedback, I then made some changes on my objectives and also findings. She also asked me to start writing my discussion.

23/4/2019 - 14/5/2019 (Week 4 - Week 7)

The following weeks are just doing some minor changes here and there and also adding contents to my dissertation draft.

Here is my second draft dissertation:

After weeks of changes, I'm finally done with my dissertation.

Here's my final dissertation draft:


9/4/2019 (Week 2)

Dr Hayati explained to me what I should include for my dissertation draft and she asked me to also find another journal to review it so that I can have enough critical reviews for my dissertation.

16/4/2019 (Week 3)

Dr Hayati told me to have a skeleton for my literature review so that I know which topic belongs to which topic. She also asked me include a title because at the time of the evaluation, I don’t have a title for my dissertation.

23/4/2019 (Week 4)

Dr Hayati said that my overall structure is okay but she wants me to add a sub topic for my discussion so that I know what to write and what to categorize in with. She also told me to categorize my findings to primary data to secondary data.

30/4/2019 (Week 5)

Dr Hayati told me to replace all the first person saying such as “I” and “me” to third person saying such as “the author” and such. She also told me to complete the draft by next week so that she can go through it before submitting.

7/5/2019 (Week 6)

Dr Hayati told me to change from “the author” to “the researcher” because readers may misunderstood who the authors are. She also asked me to discuss about the target audience at the discussion session. For further research topic, she also ask me to discuss possible future outcomes that graphic designers can achieve in the future. Besides, I also need to explain why I designed the questions in research instrumentation.


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