Design Research Dissertation - Project 2

Ng Jia Jin (0331589)
Design Research Dissertation 
Project 2
7/5/2019 - 4/6/2019 (Week 6 - Week 10)



For this week, we need to start coming out with the concept of our book design. We need to do some research about the book layout and also how our visual style is going to be.

I started off with some research about book layout before going into putting my content.

Here are some layout reference that I have researched upon:

Book Layout Reference #1

Book layout Reference #2

Book layout Reference #3

Book layout Reference #4

Book layout Reference #5

After going doing some research on book layout designs, I then went on to do some research for book cover design:

Book Cover Design #1

Book Cover Design #2

Book Cover Design #3

Book Cover Design #4

Book Cover Design #5

Here are the typefaces that I'm going to use throughout my dissertation book:

Body Text: Proxima Nova 

Header: Josefin Sans

I then started to design the layout for my book. I started off by designing the grid system for my book.

After that, I started to put in my contents into my book to form my dissertation book. Besides that, I also designed a book cover for my dissertation book.

Book Cover Design #1

FEEDBACK: Dr Hayati said that my book cover design looks too simple and she said that I should redesign it. The "research dissertation" words shouldn't be placed vertically down because it feels to Japanese. 

After receiving the feedback, I then went on to redesign my book cover and also finish my dissertation book design. I added different visual elements to my book design throughout and also maintained the color scheme. 

Here is my final dissertation book design: 

My main visual elements consist of the rectangular bars and also organic lines. It can be seen throughout my dissertation book:

Rectangular bars: It symbolizes the creativity of graphic designers getting restricted

Organic lines: It symbolizes the mind and brain of a graphic designer, waiting to unleash their creativity 

Book Cover Design: The combination of the rectangular bars restricting the tangled organic lines because due to the technology in the industry, the creativity of graphic designers have been restricted in their works, tangled together.


14/5/2019 (Week 7)

No consultation with Dr Hayati because she wanted us to go and search for references for my book layout.

21/5/2019 (Week 8)

Dr. Hayati told me to upload book design slides and also book layout to Google Drive so that she is able to know what have I done for the past week and also my book design progress.

28/5/2019 (Week 9)

For this week, Dr Hayati told me that my typeface choices and also the letter spacing are decent and good to go. She also approved my overall design element and colour choices. However, she asked me to try to have different layout setup for different sections so that readers can have a different concept while reading different chapters.

4/6/2019 (Week 10)

There's no consultation this week because it's a one week long raya break.


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