Research Implementation (Data Collection)

Ng Jia Jin (0331589)
Design Research Methodology 
Research Implementation (Week 7 - Week 11)


Lecture Notes

9/10/2018 (Week 7)

For this week, our lecturers gave us a lecture session about research strategy. They started off by explaining to us the two types of research method which are quantitative and qualitative methods. 

The Difference Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research Method

Here are the slides for today's lecture session:

16/10/2018 (Week 8)

This week, we had a lecture session about various data collection methods that we can use when it comes to collecting primary data sources. Methods such as, observations, structured interviews, unstructured interviews and conducting a questionnaire are some of the methods we can use for data collections.

Here are the slides for today's lecture session:


9/10/2018 (Week 7)

For this week, I didn't really touch on this project which is research implementation because my lecturers are reviewing our previous project which is our journal research. At the end of the class, Ms Hayati and Ms Jinchi asked us to create a slide that consist of our target audience, research objectives, research questions and sets of questions that we are going to ask our target audience.

Here are my slides for this project:


16/10/2018 (Week 8)

For this week, I didn't do anything yet except from sharing my slides and my research methods with Ms Hayati so that I can get some feedbacks regarding to my questionnaire and interview questions.

Feedback: For the interview part, Ms Hayati recommended me to try and find professionals that are related to the Graphic Design field because they can give out a better answers regarding to my questions and it will help in my primary data collection a lot. She recommended me to go on to Linkdn to search for graphic designers. 

For my questionnaire part, she asked me to modify my questions slightly because questionnaire questions should be more of a quantitative data rather than qualitative data.  

Here are my updated slides with some of my targeted Graphic Design Companies:

23/10/2018 - 30/10/2018 (Week 9 - Week 10)

For this 2 weeks, I mainly focus on creating my google form for my questionnaire/survey and also sending the questions to my targeted graphic design companies and individuals.

Here are some of my targeted Graphic Design companies and also individuals:

Graphic Design Company

Henz Studio

  • Henz Studio is a local graphic design company located in Kuala Lumpur
  • Web design company, print media design and multimedia design
  • Having over 15 years of experience in the graphic design field itself
  • Formed locally which means they will know how the graphic design culture in Malaysia/SEA works
  • Koi&Carp is a local graphic design company located in Kuala Lumpur
  • The agency cover almost everything a graphic design agency has to offer
  • Branding, publishing, digital marketing and design

Graphic Designers

Liyana Zolkiffli

  • She is a local graphic designer based in KL
  • Specialized in graphic designing, logo design, photography and typography
  • She is locally based and has previously worked at various companies, she knows the local graphic design industry the best
Syazwan Gunawan
  • He is a local graphic designer based in KL
  • Specialized in product design, logo design and also campaign design
  • Currently working as a graphic designer with Astro Go

6/11/2018 (Week 11)

For this week, I'm already done with my questionnaire forms and also sent out the emails requesting the graphic designers that I have targeted. I have also gotten a few responses for my questionnaire.

Here are the final slides for to summarize my primary data implementation method:

Besides that, here are some screenshots for my questionnaire form:

Questionnaire Questions

Questionnaire Questions

Questionnaire Questions

Here is the email that I have sent to one of my targeted graphic designer:

Email Request 

13/11/2018 (Week 12)

For this week, I have already have most of my data for my final project ready and also gotten one graphic designer's respond. After showing it to Ms Hayati, she asked me to keep getting more data from my specific targeted group. She also asked me to start compiling my data at the same time. 

Here are some screenshots of the data I've collected from my questionnaire: 

Questionnaire Data Collected

Questionnaire Data Collected

Questionnaire Data Collected
Questionnaire Data Collected 

Questionnaire Data Collected

Here are the responses I got from one of the graphic designer for my primary data collection: 

Email Data Collection

Email Data Collection

Email Data Collection

After getting most of the data I need, I then went on to start compiling my data into a set of slide because we need to have a set of slide focusing on the data that we have collected and another slide mainly focusing on presentation.


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