Project 2 - Shooting Practise & Editing

Ng Jia Jin (0331589)
Video and Sound Production
Project 2 - Shooting Practise & Editing

Lecture Notes

21/9/2018 (Week 4)

For this week, Me Martin gave us a lecture about film production as we will need to know the basics of film production for our current project. There are three stages in film production which are pre-production, production and post-production. 

Pre-production: Preparations that were used for the film shoot
Production: Raw elements for finished film are recorded
Post-production: Film is edited, production sound is edited and music tracks are composed

Here are the slides for this week's lecture:


After giving us a lecture about film production, Mr Martin gave us a brief about our film shooting project. He divided the group into 3 groups of people because it's required to work in a team to shoot the shots. I teamed up with Issac, Jennifer, Afsah, Irfan, Kitty, JQ, Adele Johann and Avy. After assigning us to the groups, we then need to assign roles to everyone in the group. The roles that were required are director, producer, assistant director, makeup artist, director of photography, 2x assistant camera and of course Lalin and Nut.

Crew List 
  • Producer: Isaac
  • Director: Jia Jin
  • Assistant Director: Afsah
  • Art Director: JQ
  • Assistant Art Director: Irfan
  • Director of Photography: Jennifer
  • Camera Assistant: Kitty
  • Makeup Artist: Avy
  • Sound Person: Adele
  • Nut: Johann
  • Lalin: Avy
We need to shoot a short video according to a video titled "My name is Lalin":

Link to Video

After that, Mr Martin shared us the storyboards so that we'll know which scene from the video that we will need to shoot.

Storyboard #1

Storyboard #2


  • Toilets
  • Aspresso Cafe at Taylor's University

Once we confirmed our shooting locations, cast and crew members, we then proceed to prepare our props for the shoots such as makeups, cameras, camera equipments and some other props. 

Props (Artwork) 

Artwork Recreation #1

Artwork Recreation #2

26/9/2018 (Week 5)

Shooting day! It took us the whole afternoon to wrap up our shoot and I have to tell you, I have learned a lot through this project. I was the director for this video shoot so I had to go through all the storyboard before giving instructions. Here are the makeup for Lalin (Avy) before the shoot. For Johann, there isn't any makeups, just some minor touch ups. 

Makeup (Lalin)

Acne Makeup Recreation #1

Acne Makeup Recreation #2

Acne Makeup Recreation #3

Makeup (Johann)

Johann's Makeup


Character #1: Avy

Character #2: Johann

Behind the Scenes

Here are some behind the scene shots that we took during the shoot for the video. 

BTS #1

BTS #2

BTS #3

BTS #4

BTS #5

BTS #6

After the shoot, Mr Martin asked us to do a rough cut of the video and also some color correction for the video. He also asked us to be prepared for our next shoot because it will be heavier than the current shoot. For this shoot, he only want us to have a rough cut of it and most importantly do some color correction for the video. 

Color Correction

Color Correction Editing #1

Color Correction Editing #2

Color Correction Editing #3

Color Correction Editing #4

Here is the final outcome of the video. Since Mr Martin only wanted us to compile the video and also do some color correction, I muted the video because we don't need it in this shooting practice.

Shooting & Editing Practice #2

5/10/2018 (Week 6)

This week, we got another video shoot practice so that we can be more prepared for our final project. But for this time, it's a little different compare to the previous video shoot because we are divided to smaller groups which is a group of 8. I teamed up with Jennifer, Ron, Afsah, Allen, Irfan, JQ and Thooba for this project. After knowing who is in the groups, we have to assign roles to all the group members as usual. 

For the shooting, our reference is a short advertisement video and each group need to shoot different part of the video. My group has to shoot the emotional part of the video. 

Here is the theme that my group need to shoot: 

Here are some footage from the original video for referencing purposes:

Footage #1

Footage #2

Footage #3

Footage #4

After that we assigned roles for each of the team member:

Director: Ron
Assistant Director: Allen
Photographer: Jennifer
Assistant Photographer: Thooba
Art Director: Afsah
Assistant Art Director: Irfan
Actor #1: Jin
Actor #2: JQ 

Before starting our shoot or anything, we developed some storyboards for our shoot so that we can have a clear idea on what are going to shoot and how are we going to shoot. Allen, our assistant director did and planned all the storyboards since it's his job to do it.


Storyboards #1

Shoot Details

Shoot Details

Shoot Details

Here are the locations that we are going to shoot at: 

 Yi Ann Tang Herb N Food Herbal Store 

Shooting Location

Week 7 (14/10/2018)

It's shooting day this week. All of us reached the shooting location at around 1 pm in the afternoon since we are only allowed to shoot after 1 pm. We brought some filters, necessary camera equipments and a couple lightning because our shooting location is not bright. We wrapped up all the shoots and scenes at around 5 pm that day and it was a tiring day but at the end of the day, it was worth it. 

Here are some behind the scene shots that was taken by some of my group mates during the shoot that day. 

Behind The Scene

BTS #1

BTS #2

BTS #3

BTS #4

BTS #5

BTS #6

BTS #7

Editing Session

22/10/2018 (Week 8)

After wrapping up the shoot, Mr Martin asked us to compile all the shots that we took and then share it to our group so that we can edit it. He asked us to compile the videos that we took into a rough cut so that we can have a rough idea on how the video is going to turn out to be. 

Besides that, he also asked us to edit the sound and also do color correction to it. Basically, we need to match everything that we took and it has to turn out exactly the same like what is shown from the original video. 

Sound Editing

Sound Editing #1

Sound Editing #2

Sound Editing #3

Color Correction

Color Correction #1

Color Correction #2

Color Correction #3

Here is the final outcome of the video, I tried to color correct the whole video so that it looks the same like the original video itself.


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