Brand Corporate Identity - Final Project
15/5/2019 - 26/6/2019 (Week 7 - Week 13)
Ng Jia Jin (0331589)
Brand Corporate Identity
Final Project - Stationery & Application
15/5/2019 (Week 7)
For our final project for Brand Corporate Identity, we need to come out 3 stationery and also 1 additional application that close relate to our brand. Besides that, we also need to create a brand book and also a short video that introduces my brand.
For my final Brand Corporate Identity, my 3 stationery are name card, letterhead and envelope while for my additional application, I decided to design a clothing magazine since my brand is a clothing label. A magazine will definitely fit as my additional application because every clothing label will have a magazine to showcase their clothing designs. The main objective for this assignment is to achieve consistency throughout my stationery and application.
1. Brand Book = Brand Guidelines (Colored, B&W Mock-Up)
2. Stationery = Name Card, Letterhead, Envelope (Mock-Up, Actual stationery)
3. Application = Actual Product (B&W Mock-Up)
4. Introduction of Brand Story (10-30 seconds GIF)
Final Project Google Drive Link here
Brand Book
Brand Book Mock-up #1 |
Brand Book Mock-up #2 |
Brand Book Mock-up #3 |
Brand Book Mock-up #4 |
Final Product (Colored, Actual Size)
Final Brand Book #1 |
Final Brand Book #2 |
Final Brand Book #3 |
Final Brand Book #4 |
Final Brand Book #5 |
Name Card
Name Card Mock-Up #1 |
Name Card Mock-Up #2 |
Final Name Card (Actual Size and Colored)
Final Name Card #1 |
Final Name Card #2 |
Final Name Card #3 |
Envelope Mock-Up #1 |
Envelope Mock-Up #2 |
Final Envelope (Actual Size, Colored)
Final Envelope #1 |
Final Envelope #2 |
Final Envelope #3 |
Letterhead Mock-Up #1 |
Letterhead Mock-Up #2 |
Final Envelope
Final Letterhead #1 |
Final Letterhead #2 |
Final Letterhead #3 |
Final Letterhead #4 |
Stationery Compilation
Stationery Compilation #1 |
Stationery Compilation #2 |
Application - Magazine
Mock-Up (B&W)
Magazine Mock-Up #1 |
Magazine Mock-Up #2 |
Final Magazine Layout
Final Magazine (Colored, Actual Size)
Final Magazine #1 |
Final Magazine #2 |
Final Magazine #3 |
Final Magazine #4 |
Final Magazine #5 |
Final Magazine #6 |
Brand Introduction Video
Week 7
Brand Book: Ms Li Lian said that my overall layout is clean and minimal. It's good to go but then she wants me to complete it as soon as possible because I still have a magazine to complete.
Name Card: Ms Li Lian asked me to start designing my name card at the same time when I'm doing my brand book. She told me to at least come out with some sketches next week.
Envelope: Ms Li Lian asked me to explore more of the envelope design because I only have 2 ideas to date. She wants me to come out with more designs but next week.
Letterhead: I need to start designing my letterhead as well because I haven't started it yet.
Magazine: I haven't started my magazine layout nor design yet so I have no feed back for it for this week.
Week 8
Brand Book: So far, your brand book layout is okay. Have you tried out a mock up to determine the right size/format? See that you have laid out your contents as single pages so it will be viewed as
single pages being flipped from the top (as suggested last week) like a calendar. Do continue the
ideas and have them printed as black and white thumbnail for next review. Have a few pages
printed as actual size so that the body text point size and how it works with the format can be
Name Card: She told me to start digitalising it with the ideas that I have.
Envelope: She told me to try to include my corporate colors to the envelope so that it looks better.
Letterhead: She chose one design layout and asked me to do some minor refinements to it.
Magazine: I haven't started my magazine layout nor design yet so I have no feed back for it for this week.
Week 9
Brand Book: She asked me to print out a mock-up so that we know how does it look like when it's printed out.
Name Card: She told me to print it out so that we know if the font size is suitable.
Envelope: After seeing my printed out envelope, she told me that my font is too big so she asked me to lower a point down.
Letterhead: She told me to align the running texts with the logo so that it looks neat and not out of place.
Week 10
Brand Book: There's no feedback for this week because it's a one week break.
Name Card: There's no feedback for this week because it's a one week break.
Envelope: There's no feedback for this week because it's a one week break.
Letterhead: There's no feedback for this week because it's a one week break.
Magazine: There's no feedback for this week because it's a one week break.
Week 11
Brand Book: My brand book in overall is done but then she asked me to be consistent with the font size because it's in different font sizes.
Name Card: After looking my printed mock-up, Ms Li Lian asked me to make the font size bigger because it's very hard to be seen.
Envelope: The envelope size is good to go already but she told me to unify the lines' thickness that I used all around my stationery.
Letterhead: She ask me to include another letterhead without the running text.
Magazine: She said the overall layout is okay and she wants me to complete the magazine by next week
Week 12
Brand Book: Overall, my brand book is good to go already and now I need to print my brand book out.
Name Card: Overall, my name card is also good to go. I have done a little refinement to the font size.
Letterhead: After aligning the running texts with the logo, Ms Li Lian it's good to go.
Magazine: She only asked me to replace those blurry images because after seeing my mock-up, the images in the magazines are all blurry.
Brand Video: She said overall it's not bad but she asked me to included some clothing images because my brand is a clothing label to begin with. She also asked me to include my corporate colors which are yellow, red and black.
Semester Reflection
This semester has been pretty stressful for me because I have a lot of heavy modules and my time management wasn't exactly good to begin with. But, on the bright side, after going through this module, it was a relive for me. I have learned a lot about the branding world especially since I have no idea how does the branding industry works to begin with. Although this module is just a touch of the water, I was able to gain a lot of knowledge from it and I'm glad to be able to.
Lastly, I have to thanks Ms Li Lian for her support and also her weekly feedback regarding to my works. She was very helpful as I was very lost at the start of the semester. She is truly one of the best lecturers that I had since stepping into the design school. Unfortunately, she won't be teaching us after this semester. Good luck in the future Ms Li Lian and thanks for guiding me throughout this semester, I am very grateful for it. Till next time!
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