Illustration & Visual Narrative - Exercises

Ng Jia Jin (0331589)
Illustration & Visual Narrative



26/3/2018 (Week 1) - Briefing, Course Introduction

First week of Illustration & Visual Narrative is basically some course introduction by Mr. Hafiz (our lecturer). He gave us a brief of what we are learning throughout the 14 weeks for this subject amd what he expects from us. We were introduced to Adobe Illustrator as it's the main application that we are going to use for our semester. After that, we were introduced to some basic shapes that we are going to use in our upcoming exercise called Vormator.

Fig 1.0: Vormator Shapes

2/4/2018 (Week 2) - Vormator Creations. Colors

For the next lesson, we learned about coloring, shades, silhouettes and shading. We were also introduced to pathfinder which is one of the feature in Adobe Iluustrator. We also learned some few shortcut keys that will come in handy in the future. 

9/4/2018 (Week 3) - Character Designs

Once we learned all the basic tools in Adobe Illustrator, it's time to start designing our own character. We need to use the basic vormator shapes given to create our own vormator characters. Mr. Hafiz also taught us about using the knife tool and blending tool. 


Week 1: Vormators, Shapes, Chracter

We need to trace out the outline for each of the vormator shapes given, After that, we are supposed to add colors to each of the shapes that we traced out. 

Fig 2.1:Vormator shapes that we need to trace

Fig 2.2: Vormator shapes with colors

After filling up the shapes with the colors of our choice, we then proceed to design our own vormator character by combining the shapes of our choices. I designed 2 characters with the combination of different vormator shapes.

Fig 2.3: First character design with vormator shapes

Fig 2.3: Second character design with vormator shapes

Week 2: Vormator Developments and Blending

After some comment from my classmates and my lecturers, I decided to choose my second character design because it looks more balanced overall. I also added a pair of eyes to it so that it looks more balanced. 

Fig 2.4: Final character design

Fig 2.5: Character design with some color studies

Week 3: Character Design and Background Design

In week 3, we need to start designing a background for our pokemon card. We need to make a pokemon card with our own designed character in it and their abilities in it. Besides that, we also need to further develop our character. 
Fig 2.6: Background design with my vormator design 

I also applied the rules of third to my background so that my character placement at the background looks more balanced.

Fig 2.7: Background with Rules of Third applied

Week 4: Pokemon Cards and Final Designs

After finalizing all my background design and vormator character design. It's time to design my own pokemon card and think of the abilities that my character have. For this, I went on to Google to search for a pokemon card template that suits my background.

Fig 2.8: Pokemon template (Front)

Fig 2.9: Pokemon template (Back)

After finding a suitable pokemon template for my pokemon background, I then added my background and my pokemon abilities to the card.

Fig 2.10: Finalized pokemon card design

Here are the slides in jpeg format for my Vormator exercise.
Fig 3.1: First Page of Slide

Fig 3.2: Slides

Fig 3.3: Slides

Fig 3.4: Slides

Fig 3.5: Slides

Fig 3.6: Slides

Fig 3.7: Slides

Fig 3.8: Slides

Fig 3.9: Slides

Fig 3.10: Slides

Fig 3.11: Slides


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