Design Principles - Project 1 (Self Portrait)

Ng Jia Jin (0331589)
Design Principles
Project 1 - Self Portrait

Project 1 - Self Portrait

Lectures Notes

Lecture 1: 17/5/2018

For this week,  Ms Sherry and Ms Jin Chi briefed us about our first project for design principles which is about self portrait. Basically, we need to take a self portrait of ours and add in elements that represent ourselves. For this, we need to rely on our creativity and to analyse what actually represents us in other people's eyes.

Lecture 2: 24/5/2018

There's no lecture regarding to our project 1 which is self portrait for this week except for our weekly exercise lecture. Instead, we need to start working on our self portrait project because the due date is just 1 week away. I asked some of my friends the other day on what actually represents me in their eyes and here are the opinions from them.

  • energetic and random at times
  • awesome
  • stress

After that, I took some references from Pinterest and combine the references into a mood board of mine for this project.

Fig 1.1: References Picture

Fig 1.2: References Picture

Fig 1.3: References Picture

Fig 1.4: References Picture

Fig 1.5: References Picture

Fig 1.6: References Picture

Fig 1.7: References Picture

Fig 1.8: Mood board for my self portrait 

After some planning, I decided to transfer the energetic and random part of me into a self portrait of mine because I feel the same way of myself being random at times just like what my friends said to me. I then proceed to choose a self portrait of mine. I shortlisted 3 self portrait of mine that I think it's best to transfer my ideas to it.

Fig 2.1: Self Portrait 

Fig 2.2: Self Portrait

Fig 2.3: Self Portrait

Those are the 3 portraits that I think best suit to transfer the idea on.

Fig 2.4: Final Chosen Self Portrait

For this project, to portrait myself for being energetic and random at times, I decided to use Adobe Illustrator for this assignment. I decided to make my portrait as if paints are slowly coming out from every part of my body. I also added different vibrant colors to different patches of paints from my body to show the energetic part of me.

Fig 3.1: Process on Adobe Iluustrator

Here's my final result for my project:

Fig 4.1: Final Outcome


24/5/2018 (Week 9): Ms Sherry told me that do not take a self portrait to do it because you like it, do a self portrait that shows your personality instead. It's better that way because you can understand better of yourself and it's more meaningful that way. 


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