Publishing Design - Final Project

20/5/2019 - 25/6/2019 (Week 8 - Week 12)
Ng Jia Jin (0331589)
Publishing Design
Final Project - Ebook


21/5/2019 (Week 8)


To start off our e-book, we first need to animate our existing artworks for our e-book. The animation of the artworks are not needed to be complicated or sophisticated, just a few movements that reflect and represent the artworks will do. I used Adobe After Effects to do it because it's easier and also more flexible.

Here are my initial animated artworks:

Fig 1.0: Process on After Effects #1

Fig 1.1: Process on After Effects #2

Fig 1.2: Process on After Effects #3

Fig 1.3: Process on After Effects #4

Initial Artworks:

Fig 1.4: Animated GIF #1

Fig 1.5: Animated GIF #2

Fig 1.6: Animated GIF #3

I did 3 animated artworks to start it off and to show it to Mr Vinod for further feedback. He said that my overall animations are okay except for the first one because he said it will be distracting for the readers when they are reading my e-book. After getting some feedback, I continued with my animated artworks.

Here are the rest of the animated artworks:

Fig 1.7: Animated GIF #4

Fig 1.8: Animated GIF #5

Fig 1.9: Animated GIF #6

Fig 2.0: Animated GIF #7 

Fig 2.1: Animated GIF #8

Fig 2.2: Animated GIF #9

Fig 2.3: Animated GIF #10

Fig 2.4: Animated GIF #11
Fig 2.5: Animated GIF #12

Fig 2.6: Animated GIF #13
Fig 2.7: Animated GIF #14

27/5/2019 (Week 9)

E-Book - Desktop 

For this week, we need to start with our e-book but in desktop version. For this, we need to integrate all our animated artworks to our e-book. The measurement for the e-book is 1366 x 768 because the e-book needs to be suited for most monitor sizes regarding to what sizes the readers are viewing from. We need to create each page as 1 only instead of a spread because the readers are suppose to read it as 1 page and not 2. 

Here are my E-book for desktop progress on Adobe In-Design: 

Fig 2.8: Process on Adobe InDesign #1

Fig 2.9: Process on Adobe InDesign #2

Fig 3.0: Process on Adobe InDesign #3

3/6/2019 (Week 10)

For this week, since it is a one week raya holiday, I proceed to finish up my e-book for desktop with Mr Vinod's feedback in mind. 

Here are my final layout for the book: 

Fig 3.1: Cover Design #1

Fig 3.2: Content Page #2

Fig 3.3: Introduction Page #3

Fig 3.4: Chapter One #4

Fig 3.5: Chapter One #5

Fig 3.6: Chapter One #6

Fig 3.7: Chapter Two #7

Fig 3.8: Chapter Two #8

Fig 3.9: Chapter Two #9

Fig 4.0: Chapter Two #10

Fig 4.1: Chapter Three #11

Fig 4.2: Chapter Three #12

Fig 4.3: Chapter Three #13

Fig 4.4: Chapter Three #14

Fig 4.5: Chapter Three #15

10/6/2019 (Week 11)

For this week's class, Mr Vinod asked us to add in some interactive buttons so that readers can use it while reading the e-book. We need to add in 3 buttons which are the back button, content button and next button.

Fig 4.6: Adding Button on InDesign #1

Fig 4.7: Adding Button on InDesign #2

After adding the interactive button, I then added the animated artworks to replace the static ones.

Here is the final layout for my E-book for web in thumbnail:

Fig 4.8: E-book Thumbnail #1

Fig 4.9: E-book Thumbnail #2

E-book for Web (Animated)

17/6/2019 (Week 12) 

Mr Vinod asked us to start doing the final part of the final project which is to create an e-book but in iPhone version. For our e-book in iPhone version, we only need to do it from the start to chapter one only so it wasn't that complicated compare to the previous e-books. Besides that, we also need to add in our animated artworks and basically make the whole book interactive with transitions. 

Fig 5.0: Progress on InDesign #1

Fig 5.1: Progress on InDesign #2

Here is the final layout for my E-book for iPhone in thumbnail: 

Fig 5.2: E-book for iPhone Thumbnail #1

E-Book for iPhone (Animated)


27/5/2019 (Week 9)

Specific Feedback: Mr Vinod said that my animated GIFs are okay except for one because he said it will be distracting if I were to put the GIF and texts side by side. The readers will be distracted by the GIF movements while reading the texts. While for my web based book layout, he said to make it more web adaptive instead of just migrating the book layout to the web. This is because he doesn't want to read it as 2 pages but instead he wants to read it as 1 page.

3/6/2019 (Week 10)

There's no feedback for this week because it's a one week holiday.

10/6/2019 (Week 11)

Specific Feedback: Mr Vinod asked me to try and print the black pages for physical book on black paper so that it has a texture. He also asked me to try out the metallic finishing for my book title so that it stands out a little. For now, the book looks a little bit blend and because my book cover is only black in colour. Besides, he also asked me to change the barcode to white background because it can't be scaneed and it's also pixalated. For E-porifolio wise, he asked me to update my blogs and then make a cover page for each blogs so that it looks presentable. He also asked me to crop out the unnecessary part for the images that I uploaded.

17/6/2019 (Week 12)

Specific Feedback: For my e-book, he asked me to follow my grid and layout system so that the text doesn't look out of the place while for the iphone version of the book, he asked me to go for 35PT body text size so that the readability is stronger. Overall, everything is okay but he did tell me that my published book can be better and also more refined.

24/6/2019 (Week 13)

General Feedback: Mr Vinod asked us take one of our senior's blog as reference as our own e-portfolio.

Specific Feedback: Mr Vinod told me to upload thumbnails for my web book and iPhone instead of attaching it with Jpegs because it would be too much images for the blog. He also asked me to create a cover page for each blog so that it looks more presentable.



27/5/2019 (Week 9)

While creating the GIFs, I constantly run out of ideas on how to animate it because it looks the same for every GIF. But, at the end of the day, I do try and animate each GIFs with different animation so that it doesn't look repetitive. 

3/6/2019 (Week 10)

After completing the animated GIFs, I was pretty happy how it has turn out to be because each animated GIFs have different style of animation.

10/6/2019 (Week 11)

It was a relieve to finally printed out my book. It was satisfying at the same time because I kind of like how it turned out to be. But, after looking through it, I know I can do better at some parts of the book so that the overall book look more refined.

17/6/2019 (Week 12) 

Putting in the information for my iPhone layout wasn't really that complicated especially when comparing to my previous assignments because we are only required to do it until the end of chapter 1 for the iPhone book layout.

24/6/2019 (Week 13)

This week's class is a pretty relaxed class because we only need to update our e-portfolio and also to do some refinements here and there. Overall, after looking through my works for the past weeks, I believe some parts of the assignments can be more refined and more detailed.


27/5/2019 (Week 9)

Everyone was busy trying to figure out how are to animate their artworks because it wasn't easy at all. Besides that, everyone is also look for helpful feedback from Mr Vinod.

3/6/2019 (Week 10)

There's no class today because it was a one week long raya break.

10/6/2019 (Week 11)

Everyone's printed physical book looks very nice and some looks pretty interesting as well. Overall, it was a pretty fun class as all of us are just showing each other how our physical books turn out.

17/6/2019 (Week 12) 

All of us are busy putting in information into the iPhone layout for our last assignment. I observed some pretty interesting layout at the same time as well. 

24/6/2019 (Week 13)

Everyone is happy that the semester is nearing the end of the semester. Everyone were relieved especially because we all worked hard throughout the semester.


27/52019 (Week 9)

I find it hard to have a consistent animation throughout the animated artworks. I was struggling to achieve the consistency throughout.

3/6/2019 (Week 10)

There's no class today because it's a one week long raya holiday.

10/6/2019 (Week 11)

I find it when it comes to printing, there's a lot of things that we need to consider in order to get the perfect book prints that we want. Before this, I didn't know anything about what to expect when it comes to printing but after this, I finally understand what are the things to consider when it comes to printing a book.

17/6/2019 (Week 12)

It was fairly easy to finish up the iPhone book layout. Overall, I find all these layouts that we did very helpful because it helps us to understand the adaptability in different devices.

24/6/2019 (Week 13)

It was a relive to be able to complete this semester because it was pretty tough at first but then as the semester goes by, I have gotten used to it.


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