Ng Jia Jin (0331589)
Digital Imaging
30/3/2018 ( Week 1)
To start off our Digital Photography and Imaging class, Mr Jeffrey and Mr Hafiz gave us an exercise so that we can be familiar with
Adobe Photoshop. Mr Jeffrey gave us a picture of a mansion and told us to add our own figure into the picture. We learned about some shortcut keys for some tools such as the quick selection tool, layers, masking tool. scaling took and more. For me, this exercise is very useful because I got to know more about
Original Photo |
Final Outcome with Myself Edited Into It |
6/4/2018 (Week 2)
For our second Digital Imaging lesson, we continued to learn some tolls in
Adobe Photoshop. For this week's lesson, we got to use some tools such as the curves, levels, dodge tool, burn tool and many more.
Exercise 1: Before Editing |
Exercise 2: After Editing |
Exercise 2: Before Editing |
Exercise 2: After Editing |
After learning all the basic editing on some low quality/vintage photos, we also had a photography workshop conducted by Mr Vinod. For this workshop, we got to learn some manual settings and functions on our camera such as the ISO, shutter speed and aperture. I learned those during my foundation days so it was a breeze for me to get back to it. After explaining the basic functions of a camera, Mr Vinod talked about the zone system and gave us an exercise to photography 3 types of pictures: bright object, grey object and dark object.
On Week 3, we learned about different blending modes through some exercises. In our first exercise, Mr Jeffrey asked us to create a zone system using the rectangular tool and greyscale tool. We need to choose a picture of our own choice and put it behind the zone system that we just did so that we can see the difference on our own.
Chosen Ghost House |
Final Outcome |
The reason why I decided to make the ghost house smaller the the trees around it is because I feel like it brings out the 'ghost' feeling more with this type of atmosphere.
After the 'ghost house', for our third exercise, we had to recolour a vintage portrait that we chose.
Before Recolouring |
After Recolouring |
For the recolouring exercise, I didn't follow the color scheme of the original photo instead, I decided to add the colors of my choice because I want the funky feeling in the picture.
20/4/2018 (Week 4)
This week, Mr Jeffrey and Mr Hafiz taught us about the displacement technique. For this exercise, we had to displace the flag onto a cloth texture.
Fig 4.1: Cloth Texture I Chose (Blurred) |
Fig 4.2: Malaysia Flag |
I had to displace the Malaysia Flag onto the cloth that I chose.
Final Outcome |
After the exercise, we went on with another photography lesson with Mr Vinod. For our second photography lesson, we learned about various studio lightnings. Mr Vinod explained to us on different type of lightning equipments and also gave us a chance to take pictures with it at the end. It was a good experience because it exposed us to more photography technique and I gained many valuable knowledges in this lesson.
Photo Taken of Me |
Photo Taken Me |
Photo Taken Me |
27/4/2018 (Week 5)
This week, we learned about texture and displacement again but for this lesson, we need to use a snake skin texture and displace it onto a man.
A Man with A Snake Skin |
Once we got the hands on how to do it, we had to add the texture to our own face. We have to use the photo that we took from the previous photography session.
Photo of Myself that I Chose |
Final Outcome |
4/5/2018 (Week 6)
To start off our class for Week 6, we did a simple recap on what we did in the previous class. Mr Jeffrey asked us to choose an animal that we like and put a texture to it.
Final Outcome of My Horse |
Once we recapped on what did we do in our previous class, we started our next exercise. For this week's lesson, we started our lesson by learning how to tile a texture to create a pattern using offset tool and how to 'get rid' of the straight lines using the fill > content aware tool to merge it and give it a smoother look to it. Mr Jeffrey taught us with a zebra print photo and saved it by defining the pattern. Lastly, we proceeded by displacing the texture onto a picture of pebbles.
Final Outcome of The Pebbles |
18/5/2018 (Week 8)
Mr Jeffrey and Mr Hafiz briefed us about our first object this week and he gave us an exercise that is similar with our first project to kick start our project. We need to use the tools on
Adobe Photoshop that we learned from the past. Besides, we need to find stock pictures from Pixabay or stock images websites that look familiar to the original ones because we need to recreate the original picture.
Photo That We Need to Recreate |
Reference Photo 1 |
Reference Photo 2 |
Reference Photo 3 |
Reference Photo 4 |
Final Outcome of The Recreation |
29/5/2018 (Week 9)
This week we got to learn perspective warp on an image of a building. For this we need to add points to the edges of the buildings. After that, we need to drag around the edges of the buildings to change the perspective of it.
Original Photo of The Building |
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