Internship Report - Gut Design Studio
02/01/20 - 28/02/20 (Week 1 - Week 7)
Ng Jia Jin (0331589)
Industrial Training: Tasks & Reflection
Projects & Task I'm Involved
Apollo Dining
Wayfinding System, Food Menu, Drinks Menu, Hiring Post, Website
Apollo Dining is an upcoming fine dining restaurant that is located in Jalan Kemuja, Bangsar. I'm involved in quite a few parts of their branding project. My supervisor assigned me to work on their Instagram hiring posts, their restaurant's wayfinding system, food menu, drinks menu and also their website.
I mainly used Adobe Illustrator to complete all of the projects assigned. I started with the the hiring post for their Instagram page. After that, I moved on to the food menu and drinks menu which the templates was already done previously, I only needed to add in the information sent by the client. Once I'm done with all those tasks, I started to work on their website. I went to search for some fine dining restaurant to see roughly how their websites look like. It took me around a week to come out with a few ideas that suit Apollo Dining's style. I only had to create a home page for them because they wanted to launch their website before releasing the content. My last task for this project is to design their wayfinding system which includes their toilet signage, opening hours board, "STAFF ONLY" sign and some interior stickers. Since I've already went to Apollo Dining for a site visit a few days before, I used the pictures that I've taken as a mock for my signage. It took me a few changes before finalizing the wayfinding design.
I completed most of the tasks relatively easy until I had to design their website home page and their wayfinding system. For the website, it took me quite a while to come out with the design that suits their brand the most as I've not done a lot of website design before. But overall, after discussing with my supervisor and making a few minor changes, I managed to combine some ideas and turn into the home page. While for the wayfinding system, it took me around 1 week to be able to complete it. It was a great challenge! I did a lot of minor changes such as stroke size and font size so that the metal plate can be able to cut through. In short, it was a tough task but I'm glad I'm able to complete it and learned a lot from it.
Futuremade Studio
Rebrand Campaign T-Shirt
Futuremade Studio is an independent clothing label based in Malaysia that specialize in selling hiking and utilities apparel. For my task, I have to design their T-shirt for their upcoming rebranding campaign.
I used Adobe Illustrator to design their T-shirt. Their rebranding campaign focus on a space theme so I have to design the T-shirt based on the graphics that my co-workers have designed. I did a few T-shirt options mainly playing with the placement of the texts and the astronaut.
After showing it to my supervisor and also one of my co-workers who is tasked for this project, they liked some of the options that I've designed. They made some minor changes and sent it to the client for approval. It was a joy designing the T-shirt as I like designing T-shirt. It was fun playing with the layout of the text and overall, I'm glad my supevisor likes the design.
Table Matters
Brand Identity Deck
Table Matters is an upcoming neighbourhood restaurant that is located in Kota Kemuning, Shah Alam. Their main focus is to create a neighbourhood friendly restaurant with an aim to create a bond between the people of Kota Kemuning. I'm tasked to find some reference pictures for their brand identity deck.
My task for this project is pretty easy and straight forward as I have to find some pictures that represent the values that represents them. The values that represent them are honest, value, friendly and neighbourhood. I went to some free stock images website such as Unsplash and Pexel to find for some images.
The task was pretty straight forward and I completed it in 1 day. However, I had to research for more images because some images look like a "stock" image. Overall, it is a pretty fresh task and I learned a lot in terms of presenting your ideas to your clients. The reason why there's an image for every values are because it helps to client to visualize the words better when presenting it to them.
Brand Identity Deck
8finite is a team of programmers that work on website coding, mobile app development and tech supports. They are the ones that coded my studio's website and also most of our clients' website. Since they are going launch their "8finite" brand, I'm tasked to create their brand identity deck which consist of their brand story, brand values, brand definition, logo options and directions.
I did the brand identity deck with Adobe InDesign. I started off by looking back at their past projects so that I can roughly visualize how their studio operates. It also makes it easier for me to think of a brand story and brand values for them. After that, I move on to researching different logo options that suit their studio the most. It was hard because I have to understand their studio more and how a logo can represent what they are doing. At last, I came out with 3 logo options which connects with the studio and also what they are doing, programming.
After presenting it to my supervisor, she liked my whole brand identity deck. She told me the references are mature and it connects with the explanation of each logo options. For me, working on brand identity deck is the most essential step because the whole projects starts from the deck itself so being able to complete it, it was satisfying. I learned a lot from it as well, from the brand story to researching on logo options.
How shall I start, from the moment I receive an email reply from Magdalene (supervisor) or the journey of the internship? Whichever part of the journey, I’m grateful for everything. The day I got an email reply regarding my internship application at Gut Design Studio, I was so surprised because they don’t normally hire interns at the studio and I was invited to have an interview session with the Art Director herself. The interview went well and I got recruited as an intern for a little over 3 months. Fast forward to the first day of work, not going to lie, I didn’t want to go for work as I was very anxious but also excited at the same time. I got over it and I eventually overcame my fears and adapted to the work pace, though it took me quite a while to get used to it. If you were to ask me what would I change and improve throughout my internship period, I would say my work efficiency and my design thinking skill. At times, I am really amazed with how all of my co-workers are able to work that fast and memorize all the shortcut key for design softwarew, but I am sure that true experience and practices, I will be able to adapt and work more efficiently.
I would say working in a design studio is very much different from doing assignments in university because the pace is faster and basically everything too. Sometimes, I felt that I was way behind in projects compare to the rest but thankfully, everyone is very supportive towards me especially Magdalene (my supervisor). She understands my weakness and worked on it together with me. She gave me the freedom to explore in design and she also pushed me to think more. At the end of every day, she would always ask what have I learned and what have I gained.
Throughout my internship period, I have gained a lot of valuable experience and also knowledge that I will always be grateful of. To Magdalene and Gut Design Studio, in this short period of time that I’m working with you guys, thanks for accepting me as a colleague and a friend, it took me some time to adapt to the lifestyle but I hope I have contributed to the projects and everything. Most importantly, I hope that we have gained friendships together and all the best to everyone in the studio, you guys rock! I guess it’s time for me to sign off now, thanks for having me! Till next time...
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