Illustration & Visual Narrative - Final Project

4/6/2018 - 25/6/2018 (Week 11 - Week 14)
Ng Jia Jin (0331589)
Illustration & Visual Narrative
Final Project - Webcomic / Tunnel Book

Final Project - Webcomic / Tunnel Book

4/6/2018 (Week 11)

After completing all the previous projects. It's time for the final project for illustration & Visual Narrative. On Week 11, Mr Hafiz gave us a brief about the final project that we are required to do so that we can have a clear idea on what are we going to do. In short, we need to choose to short story of our choice and then our final outcome will either be a webcomic or tunnel book. For the short story, he gave us some suggestions such as Rudyard Kipling's short stories.

After knowing roughly what to do, I decided to go for a Russian short story titled as "The Lady with The Dog" by Anton Chekov as I found it was simple and the story line is interesting.


Dmitri Gurov is a Moscow banker. He is under 40, married has a daughter and two sons. Unhappy in his marriage and the monotony and meaninglessness of his life, he is frequently unfaithful and considers women to be of "a lower race". While vacationing in Yalta, he sees a young woman walking along the seafront with her little Pomeranian and endeavors to make her acquaintance. The lady, Anna Sergeyevna, is also unhappily married and vacationing without her spouse. Anna and Dmitri soon commence an affair and spend most of their time together, often walking and taking drives to the nearby village of Oreanda. Though she is expecting her husband to come to Yalta, he eventually sends for her to come home, saying that something is wrong with his eyes. Gurov sees her off at the station. As they part, both feel that they would never see each other again and that their affair is over.

Returning to Moscow, to his loveless marriage and to his daily routine, working by day and clubbing by night, Gurov expects to soon forget young Anna; to his surprise, her memory haunts him. Unexpectedly, he fell deeply in love for the first time in his life, after many affairs and just as he was approaching middle age. He feels that he must see Anna, despite the obvious complications. On the ruse of going to St Petersburg to take care of some business, he sets off to her town to find her. Learning the location of the family's residence from a hotel porter, he finds the house, only to realize that it would be futile to intrude. In despair, he rationalizes that Anna has probably forgotten him and found someone else.

In the evening, he remembers having seen a sign earlier in the day announcing the opening performance of The Geisha. Reasoning that Anna and her husband might attend, he goes to the theater. The couple enters and he watches intently. When the husband goes out for a smoke during the first interval, Gurov greets Anna, who is bewildered and runs from him. After following her through theater, he confronts her and she confides that she has been thinking of him constantly. She begs him to leave and promise him to see him in Moscow occasionally. 

They are both now fully aware that for the first time in their lives they have actually fallen in love and they both wonder how they might overcome the many challenges that face them and achieve their fervent wish to permanently live together. They desperately try to come up with a plan, but the story ends without offering a resolution. 

12/4/2018 (Week 12)

Once I know what the story is roughly about, I started to develope some ideas and sketched it out. Besides that, I also went and did some mind maps and brainstorming for my ideas. I find brainstorming before starting the overall project a must because it allows you to list down every idea that you have and also analyze the whole project that we are doing.

Fig 1.0: Time Frame of The Story

Fig 1.1: Sketches and Infomations

Fig 1.2: Ideas

After that, I compiled the photos that I think relates to the story that I chose and made a moodboard for it.

Fig 1.3: Moodboard

After I show Mr Hafiz all the sketches and explained the whole story, Mr Haifz asked me to proceed with my project and transfer it digitally. He also asked me to sketch more sketches so that I could be able to tell the story visually. I did a timeline for my story so that I know when does an event take place on.

Fig 1.4: Timeline of The Story

19/4/2018 (Week 13)

I decided to go for the web comic concept for my final project because I think that I can explain the overall story better with the web comic concept rather than the tunnel book concept. After that, I started to transfer all my sketches digitally on Adobe Photoshop.

Fig 1.5: Digital Drawings

Fig 1.6: Digital Drawings

After completing my drawings digitally, I started to color them up. Overall, I used 14 artboards and I added some dialogues to the artboards. 

Fig 1.7: Overall Artboards


Here are the artboards that I drew:

Artboard #1

Artboard #1

Artboard #3

Artboard #4

Artboard #5

Artboard #6

Artboard #7

Artboard #8

Artboard #9

Artboard #10

Artboard #11

Artboard #12

Artboard #13

Artboard #14

Here are my final project Google Slides: 


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